Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

Geography and Eco Week - Monday 22nd Jan - Friday 26th Jan

Geography and Eco Celebration - Friday 26th Jan @ 3:00

Football match vs Clutton - Wednesday 31st Jan

Safer Internet Day 2024 - Tuesday 6th Feb

Rags2Riches collection - Wednesday 28th February

Value of week: Aspiration

Message from Mr Lyle

It has been so lovely welcoming everyone back for their first full week in 2024! Dropping into classes, it has been great seeing children working hard, being respectful and trying their best. It has also been refreshing to see our wonderful partnership with Bath Rugby continue to blossom and see so many of our girls participating positively through sport.

With aspiration as a focus, we have spent time discussing with children about the importance of taking sensible, measured risks and challenging themselves with their learning. We've also been looking at what we will be learning in PSHE in Term 3. We will be focusing on dreams and goals. Starting this in the new year is always a great way of encouraging children to think about their future and the importance of always trying their hardest to achieve the very best for themselves. 

As a school, we are excited to see what 2024 has to offer and see what goals we can achieve as we move throughout this year with your children. It is always important to dream big!

May I also take this opportunity to remind people about how we communicate. Our newsletter is a great way of finding out what we have been up to as a whole school, and also upcoming events. If you want to find out information about classes, please look on the class pages. This is where we will share all class information. Our teachers strive to give your children the best education possible, and our class pages are a one stop shop for everything you need to know. If you are unsure about something, please don't hesitate to speak to your teacher who will always be happy to help.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Lyle :)

Polite Reminder - No dogs on site

Please may we request that parents do not bring dogs onto the school site to pick up children. We understand that, as the weather gets nicer, its great to get out for fresh air after the school pick up. However, for safety reasons, it is important that dogs are not on the site. Even though you may feel that they may be harmless, sometimes, dogs can be unpredictable and we cannot take that risk. Thank you for understanding.

Amazon Wish list - Nurture Room

This term, we are having a big focus on interventions within the school - both academic and nurture based. During our inset day, Mrs Heal, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Green and Mrs Dando spent a lot of time sorting this ready to be used (a special thank you to them). 

We are now in the process of creating an Amazon Wishlist to help us fill it with wonderful things. This is a working list and will be updated regularly. If you feel you could help us to purchase any of these things, we would be extremely grateful. 


Thank you



On February 28th, we will be doing another Rag 2 Riches collection. This is a fantastic way to raise money for the school and it also gives you all a fantastic opportunity to get rid of some of those clothes that are no longer needed. We will begin the collection in the coming weeks. Please look out for the bags coming home.

Many thanks for your continued support, helping raise money for our fabulous school. 

FREE emotional health webinar for parents

The school nursing team are hosting a webinar for emotional health and well-being for parents who have concerns/ worries about their children's emotional health. This will take place online on Thursday 8th of February from 1pm-2pm. If you would like to attend the sessions, please click on this link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/emotional-health-and-wellbeing-webinar-for-primary-school-aged-children-tickets-773058898977?aff=oddtdtcreator 

Second Hand School Uniform

Usually, on a Wednesday, we put outside some of the second hand uniforms for families to take. As the weather continues to be cold and damp, we won't be putting these outside. If you do, however, require some additional uniforms, please speak to a member of staff who would be more than happy to help. :)

Uniform Reminder - Cold weather

As the weather gets colder, please can we encourage that children bring their coats into school. Also, it may be worth them wearing a plain t-shirt or vest underneath their school t-shirt to ensure they stay warm throughout the day.

Please also ensure school uniform is labelled so it can be easily returned. Thank you. 

Timestable Rock Star - Rock Hero

A special shout out to Raife in Y4 for becoming our first Rock Hero in school. He currently can answer questions at a superb 0.9 seconds a question. What a star! Well done Raife!

Blue Peter Star

Well done Tilley, who recently was awarded a Silver Blue Peter badge for all of her hard work fundraising! What a star!

Term 3 Clubs

We are excited to announce that we have some new clubs this term. 

Our sports coach, Mr Hudson, will continue to run clubs on a Wednesday and a Thursday and they are as follows:

Wednesday- Multi Sports (All year groups)

Thursday- Y3/4 football 

We are really fortunate to have a coach come in and support our extra curricular sporting activities. The cost for next term will be £3.50 a session (3.15-4.15) making that a total of £21 for the term (ending week beginning 5th February). To book on, please head to parentpay from Monday 11th December. 

Sporting News

This Wednesday a group of 12 KS2 children had the opportunity to head to Bath Leisure centre and take part in a bowling event. They all had a fantastic time and Mrs. Stevens said how proud she was of them and their attitude- well done team! 


Well done to all of our wonderful children showing aspiration this week!

News and Events

Music at Welton

This term, we are very excited to continue to develop our music provision within the school. As many of you know, we offer great opportunities for children to learn instruments such as: guitar, piano and to be part of our rock bands in our Rocksteady groups.

Not only this but, this term, Year 3 and Year 5 will be taking part in brass and djembe drumming lessons. This is a very exciting opportunity and we cannot wait to share what they children have learned over the coming weeks. 

OPAL Donations

As we come into January, we know that it is a prime opportunity for a toy clear out. If you have any toys that you would like to get rid of, we would love these for our OPAL lunchtimes. 

Please see the letter below with other loose parts which we would love for part of our lunchtime provision. Thank you. 

OPAL donations.docx.pdf

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Class - Kingfishers

Top Christmas Doodlers

Eagles -  Keira

Hawks -  Jack C

Kestrels - Daniel

Kingfishers -  Jacob

Nightingales -  Monty

Robins -  Oliver

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy

Maths Challenge

Please find attached a letter regarding an exciting Maths Challenges heading our way in 2024!

MTC letter Jan 2024.docx.pdf


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-

Robin Class

Over 96% Attendance this week:-


House Point Totals

House Points remain the same this week due to our Remembrance. Keep an eye out for our bumper scores next week!

Weekly Totals

Huish House - 349

Ludlow House - 349

Tyning House - 426

Old Mills House - 400

Running Totals for this term

Huish House - 349

Ludlow House - 349

Tyning House - 426

Old Mills House - 400

Online Safety - Don't share personal information online

Don't Share Personal Information Online

Ofcom have released their latest top trends from people's online lives and, as always, it makes for an interesting read. Here are two of the outstanding trends that are worth being aware of.

Class Pages

Take a look here for what your children are learning this term!

Community News

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
