Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day - Wednesday 13th December

Reception and KS1 Christmas Performance - Wednesday 13th December @ 2:00

Nursery Drop In - Wednesday 13th December. Please let staff know if you are planning to attend. 2:30-3:30

Year 3 and 4 Crafts and Carols - Thursday 14th December @ 1:30

Year 5 and 6 Crafts and Carols - Friday 15th December @ 1:30

End of Term - Tuesday 19th December

Bath Rugby Foundation Winter Activity Club at Welton - 19th-22nd December (details below)

Value of week: Respect

Message from Mr Lyle

Well the count down is well and truly on. Children are becoming more and more festive as we speak and we cannot wait to have you all in to celebrate Christmas with us next week. You should have received a letter about this during this week.

As we discussed in the newsletter last week, being respectful and responsible are two major values that we see in everyday life. We launched this week discussing what respect looks like and how we as a school have the highest expectations of all of our students to be respectful. This could be how they talk to adults or their peers, how they hold doors open or use their manners or even how they take respect in their learning and to be the best they can be!

Respect is earned and we feel all of our children deserve to be respected but also be respectful in everything they do, whether that is at home or school.

As many of you know, we as a country, were saddened by the loss of Benjamin Zephaniah yesterday - a true wordsmith and fabulous author and poet. He was respected by so many people and this was due to his own hard work, as an adult, and the respect he showed others once people understood him. 

Many of you may not know that Benjamin Zephaniah was actually dyslexic and struggled to read and write at school. He didn't find this out until he went to an adult reading and writing course when he was 21. This just shows that with hard work and the ability to demonstrate respectfulness, who knows what people can achieve? I was lucky as he came to my secondary school in 2006 and inspired many of us to be the best we could be!

Luckily, at Welton, everyone cares about each other and will do their utmost to help all succeed. I hope our children continue to show those high expectations and be respectful to each other, demanding the very best.

We are proud of all of the children at and we know that if they are able to harness and continue to grow as respectful citizens with our local and global community, who knows what they could achieve!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Lyle

P.S. I thought I'd share one of my favourite Benjamin Zephaniah poems with you. 

People Will Always Need People

People need people,
To walk to
To talk to
To cry and rely on,
People will always need people.
To love and to miss
To hug and to kiss,
It’s useful to have other people.
To whom to moan
If you’re all alone,
It’s so hard to share
When no one is there.
There’s not much to do
When there’s no one but you.
People will always need people.

To please
To tease
To put you at ease,
People will always need people.
To make life appealing
And give life some meaning,
It’s useful to have other people.
It you need a change
To whom will you turn.
If you need a lesson
From whom will you learn.
If you need to play
You’ll know why I say
People will always need people.

As girlfriends
As boyfriends
From Bombay
To Ostend,
People will always need people-
To have friendly fights with
And share tasty bites with,
It’s useful to have other people.
People live in families
Gangs, posses and packs,
Its seems we need company
Before we relax,
So stop making enemies
And let’s face the facts,
People will always need people,
People will always need people.

Attendance at Welton

Tis the season for coughs and colds. 

We know that coughs and colds are rife at the minute due to change in temperatures and germs. We receive lots of messages in a morning saying children are under the weather or are ill. 

Sometimes, we know, children are ill and it is important for them to be at home resting. However, if you feel they may be able to manage with some care and attention, we are more than happy to do this. It is important for children to be in school and, even a day off, due to having a cough can lead to children missing out on so much learning. 

As a school, as advised by BANES, we will be starting to query messages which suggest the child to be 'ill' or 'under the weather' as they are not substantial enough reasons to be off - we may ring back and ask for more details.

Please see beneath the guidance around when you should keep your child at home. We understand that sometimes this needs to happen but please be more explicit in what the illness is. We have regular meetings from external attendance officers who do not take the term 'ill' as a valid reason. Thank you for your support in our drive to improve attendance and, in turn, give your child the best education possible.


Parent Voice

 Don't forget, you can add any suggestions that you have to constructively support the school by completing the Google Form below. 

As always, thank you for you continued support in making this three-way partnership (the school, the parents and the children) as successful as it can be.  

Please find the form below:


Food Bank Vouchers

As we enter this busy Christmas period, please don't forget that we are a Food Bank Voucher school. If you would like more information about this, or would like some additional support, please don't hesitate to pop into the school office and give them your details. We would be more than happy to help.


On February 28th, we will be doing another Rag 2 Riches collection. This is a fantastic way to raise money for the school and it also gives you all a fantastic opportunity to get rid of some of those clothes that are no longer needed. We will be sending bags out after Christmas but, if you are having a clear-out, please keep hold of things and bring them into school. 

Many thanks for your continued support, helping raise money for our fabulous school. 

Mobile Phones in Schools

Please be reminded that children should not be bringing mobile phones in to school unless they need it for transitions between school and home. If this is the case, children need to come to the school via the office before they enter the school building. Similarly, they must come via the front entrance to collect it at the end of the day. 

Please ensure the phone is labelled so that it is easily identifiable for our office staff. This is to keep all of our children safe and also keep the phone safe. The school is not responsible if the phone is lost and not given to the school office. If a phone is not handed in and is found to be on an individual the parent will be phoned and will have to collect the phone themselves. 

Many thanks for your support with this. 

News and Events

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Class - Kingfishers

This week's top Doodlers!

Eagles - Aislinn

Hawks - Henry

Kestrels - Elsie

Kingfishers - Isaac

Nightingales - Grayson

Robins - Maria

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy

Bath Rugby Winter Holiday Activity Club

The Bath Rugby Foundation are pleased to announce that the Holiday Activities and Food Programme is open for the upcoming Festive Holidays. 'Activate Your Holidays' will be delivered across Bath and North East Somerset from Monday 18th December - Friday 22nd December, all children who qualify for benefits-related free school meals will receive 4 credits which can be used across any of the activities. To find out what activities are available during the Christmas holidays, please take a look at our information brochure and flyer below:

Bath and North East Somerset Winter HAF Brochure - https://tinyurl.com/4e9vhhbb 

Bath and North East Somerset HAF Webpage - https://tinyurl.com/ycyjws42 

This Winter, Bath Rugby Foundation are delivering at Welton Primary School from Tuesday 19th December – Friday 22nd December. We are excited to be partnering with Welton Primary School with children from the school having priority in our bookings.

How do I book:

You will have received an email with a unique 16-digit code from the Holiday Activities App and within that email there will be link to access all the provision. Once you have chosen the activities use your 16-digit code to confirm your booking. If you haven't received your 16-digit code please check your spam email box, if it’s still not there please ask your school office.

All sessions must be booked in advance using HAF passes through the Holiday Activities app booking platform. 

Please can we remind you that although sessions are funded, please only book sessions that your child/ren can attend.

If you need support with your booking, please email schools@bathrugbyfoundation.com 

Electric Scooters - Message from the Police

Please see attached a letter from the police regarding Electric Scooters. Thank you. 

Escooter Letter Schools Christmas.pdf
E-scooter flyer A4 poster_June 2023 (1).pdf


Well done to all of our achievers this week! We are so proud of them all for demonstrating our values this week! It was really lovely to hear the teachers saying such wonderful things about each and every one of you. 

Welton Sports Stars

Well done to the following sports people for their achievements outside of school!


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-


Over 96% Attendance this week:-



Team Welton Sporting News

Ice Skating

This week our Yr 4-6 children had the opportunity to skate at Ice Volt for the afternoon and it was a real pleasure seeing the delight on their faces and the support they each showed each other helping them get around. We hope that your child enjoyed the experience and there weren't too many sore body parts the following day. A big thank you to both the parents and staff that accompanied us on the trip- we couldn't have done it without you! 

**More photos will be on class pages, so please check there!**

Swimming Gala

It was absolutely fantastic to see 8 of our year 6's swim their absolute best on Tuesday afternoon. We came away with 11 medals and a trophy as we were the runners up of the entire competition. Well done to:










Clubs Term 3:

We are excited to announce that we have some new clubs or next term. 

Our sports coach, Mr Hudson, will continue to run clubs on a Wednesday and a Thursday and they are as follows:

Wednesday- Multi Sports (All year groups)

Thursday- Y3/4 football 

We are really fortunate to have a coach come in and support our extra curricular sporting activities. The cost for next term will be £3.50 a session (3.15-4.15) making that a total of £21 for the  week term. To book on, please head to parentpay from Monday 11th December. 

House Point Totals

House Points remain the same this week due to our Remembrance. Keep an eye out for our bumper scores next week!

Weekly Totals

Huish House - 378

Ludlow House - 406

Tyning House - 375

Old Mills House -  413

Running Totals

Huish House - 2,066

Ludlow House - 2,342

Tyning House - 2,393

Old Mills House - 2,517

PTFA Wreath Making and Christmas Fayre

As we come to end of the first two terms, the PTFA would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and the wider community for the support they have been given. It has been wonderful seeing our community come together for such amazing events.

As a school, it has been great to see such a wonderful team come together and think of fabulous ways to help raise money for your children. The Christmas Fayre and Wreath Making have been hits and we have loved being able to share that with you all. We are so grateful for all of their hard work and commitment to make the school a better place for all of our children.  

Keep an eye out for further dates, later on this year. We are also hoping to share with you what we hope to spend the money you have spent supporting the school on. As always, if you are interested in joining the PTFA, please feel free to come and speak to someone and they will point you in the right direction. 

Here's to an exciting 2024!

Class Pages

Click on the links below to see what your children have been up to. 

Community News

ACTIVATE-HAF-BNES-Brochure-FINAL-16-11-23-3-Reduced (1).pdf

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
