Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

Key Dates

Meet the teachers - See Dates Below

 Teacher-led clubs start (details to follow) - w/c 18th September

Kingfisher Quarry Trip - Tuesday 19th September (letter to follow)

Reading Meeting for parents - Thursday 21st September

Harvest Assembly (bring a donation for the food bank) - Friday 29th September

Open evening for new prospective parents - Tuesday 3rd October (5pm - 6pm)

Open day for new prospective parents - Wednesday 4th October

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Friday 5th October

Open day for new prospective parents - Tuesday 17th October

Open evening for new prospective parents - Wednesday 18th October (5pm - 6pm)

Value of week: Aspiration

Message from Mr Lyle

What a brilliant week! It's been so lovely seeing all of the children coming back to school with huge smiles on their faces. It has been great watching them get back into school life and come to myself and Mr Snell with such fabulous pieces of work to celebrate magic moments - it's like they've never been away.

This week in assemblies, we have been looking at what it means to be aspiration. Aspirational in our behaviour, aspirational in our learning and aspirational in our lives. Children have been setting themselves goals thinking about how they are going to have a successful year and as one of our key ethoses states for children to "Be their best!" We have also explored who is inspirational to us. We discussed the Lionesses and how they are inspiring all sports people, particularly the girls of the future. We cannot wait to run our girls' football club. 

There is lots of information in this week's newsletter so please take time to read it as lots of our news and updates will be found in here. We also have some exciting things coming up in the pipeline: Root Connections visits, Parent sessions where you can come in to school and many other exciting things.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Here's to another fabulous year at Welton Primary School.

New Class PagesLaunch!

We are so excited to announce that our new class pages are now live! Obviously, these are in the very early stages of their development so please bear with us as we tweak these. If you have any queries, please email office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

On the class pages, you will be able to find weekly updates, termly and yearly overviews and information about homework, spellings and what a normal day in your child's class looks like. 

We hope, that moving forward, this will help with communication for all of our families. 

School Drop off Reminder

The school gates will be open at 8.30am. Parents are expected to be with their children until school doors open as they will not be supervised by staff at this point.

The school doors will open at 8.45am. 

The school doors close at 8.55am - Children must be in school by this time as this is when the class registers will be taken. 

News and Events


Many whole school updates will be communicated via text messaging or on the school website.

For whole school events, please can you follow our school Facebook and Twitter pages. We hope to be using these more frequently to celebrate our wonderful children and update you on what we are doing as a whole school. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weltonprimaryschool

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SchoolWelton

Welton Open Days

We are very excited to announce that we will be holding some open days and open evenings for new Reception parents for September 2024. Please feel free to share. We will be posting this on our Facebook and Twitter pages in the coming days. Thank you.

Meet the teachers

As we begin our new year, we would like to provide an opportunity for you to meet your new class teachers. This will aim to provide you with information regarding reading, homework and uniform expectations; information around specific days such as PE; and an opportunity to see where your children will be learning for the next year. These will be from 3:15 - 3:35 and will be based in your child's classroom. The dates for each year group are as followed.

Year 1 - Thursday 14th September

Year 2 - Tuesday 12th September

Year 3 - Monday 11th September

Year 4 - Tuesday 12th September

Year 5 - Wednesday 13th September

Year 6 - Friday 8th September

We look forward to seeing you all then!

Parent Pay Update 

Many thanks to everyone who have been busy ordering dinners and using Parent Pay to book on to Breakfast, OWLs and after school clubs. As we continue to move throughout the year, please don't forget that lunches need to be booked by Thursday.

See below for some guidance and support around the use of Parent Pay.

Information for Parents/Guardians

To help parents/guardians, both new and existing, get the most out of ParentPay there is guidance available at:


Topics include setting up automatic top ups, setting up alerts for low balances on cashless catering, updating contact details etc.

School Uniform

As we prepare for September, just a reminder that, each Wednesday, any preloved school uniform will be put outside the school for you to take. This is free, or we do ask for a small donation to put towards supporting your children. This is obviously weather dependent so keep an eye out for the uniform table each week.


From next Friday, we would like to invite parents/carers in if their children are achievers for that week.

Each Friday morning, you will receive a text message if your child has been nominated for an achiever asking you to come into school for 14:40 and be there to see your child receive their certificate. 

Obviously, we are aware that not all of you will be able to make it, but we will continue to share photos of the achievers each week on our social media sites.

Thank you 


This year, we will be having an in-school Harvest celebration on the 29th September. As always, this is always a wonderful opportunity to collect food for the local foodbank. Alongside this, we will be continuing to support another local group that we will be working with - Root Connections.

In next week's newsletter, we will share what kind of things will be donated how we will be collecting them. We are hoping to have members of Welton Baptist Church come in to celebrate Harvest with our children.

Welton PTFA help

Each year, as you are aware, schools require and rely on the wonderful support of our families. Unfortunately, over the past year, our PTFA has been struggling for members to help organise events such as - quiz nights, discos, bingo nights and the illustrious Christmas and Summer fayres. This is a HUGE plea as we know how valuable this is to help us, as a school, continue to provide your children with the best education possible. 

Even if you cannot commit to every event, or every meeting, your help would be greatly appreciated by everyone involved with Welton and its PTFA. Please contact the school office if you feel this is something you can help with. Thank you all for the help you give in making this school a great place to learn and be a part of. 

Clubs for Term 1


This term we are excited to announce a range of extra-curricular clubs for your children to attend. There are a mix of teacher led clubs which will take place during lunchtime and after school. Children will be informed of the lunchtime clubs at school in the first week and will be able to sign up in class.

After School- Coach Led Clubs

Up and Under coaches will also be running after school clubs and these are bookable via parent pay from Thursday 6th September:

Wednesday- KS2 Gymnastics (3.15- 4.15) 22 Spaces

Thursday- Y4,5,6 Netball Club (3.15- 4.15) 14 Spaces

To ensure all children have the opportunity to attend clubs, the clubs have been subsidised by school and the cost per session is £2.50. Coach led clubs will start in week 2 (13.09/14.09) and run until (18.10/19.10). The cost for this term will be £15. This must be paid in full by the penultimate week of term (13/10/2023). If there are any problems with this, please speak to a member of the school office.

After School- Teacher Led Clubs- Starting Week Beginning 18.09.2023

This term, Mr. Lyle and Mrs. Berry will be running the following football clubs after school. These clubs are free of charge and will help create our teams for tournaments in the upcoming year. Please complete the form below to register your child's attendance.   Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If your child would like to attend both clubs and is in y5 or y6, please select both options on the form below.

UKS2 (Y5 and 6) Football - Tuesday 3.15-4.15 (Mr. Lyle, 20 spaces)

KS2 Girls Football - Friday 3.15-4.15 (Mrs. Berry, 20 spaces)

KS1 Cookery Club- Wednesday 3.15-4.15 (Mrs. Blackmore- £6.00 charge for ingredients- book from Monday 11th September on parentpay)  

How do I sign up?

This year, we are trying to go paperless with our communication and have therefore created a google form for you to complete and register your child's interest. A text will have been sent out and if you follow the link, you should be able to sign up to the appropriate club.


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-

Wren Class

Over 95% Attendance this week:-

Robin Class

Nightingale Class

Kingfisher Class

Kestrel Class

Hawk Class

Eagle Class

Click on the links below to see what your children have been up to. These are our new pages. We will be releasing a nursery pages in the next week. We can't wait to share this with you!

Cycle to school week

We are thrilled to announce that this year's Cycle to School Week will take place from 25 to 29 September 2023

This is organised by The Bikeability Trust and supported by Sustrans, Cycle to School Week offers an excellent opportunity to encourage active travel to Welton Primary School. This is something we will hope to be doing as we come into September. 

Stay tuned for more exciting updates to come - we are just waiting to hear back from them.

Community News

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
