Weekly Newsletter


Be Safe - Be Kind - Be Your Best

 Key Dates

PTFA Meeting - Wednesday 10th January @ 6:30 - School Hall (All welcome)

Geography and Eco Week - Monday 22nd Jan - Friday 26th Jan

Geography and Eco Celebration - Friday 26th Jan @ 2:40

Rags2Riches collection - Wednesday 28th February

Value of week: Aspiration

Message from Mr Snell

Happy New Year! It is so good to see the children again and I am sure that you are happy that the new term has started! I hope that everyone quickly gets back into the routines of school - please remember to be on time every morning, by 8.55am at the very latest. 

The teachers and support staff have planned for another term of exciting learning and I am looking forward to seeing the hard work and progress that I am sure will take place. The new year is a perfect time to remind our children of our expectations for school - to be safe, be kind and be our best - with a particular focus on ensuring that all our work is completed to the best of our abilities. Our 'aspiration' value is a fitting focus for the next couple of weeks. 

On Wednesday this week, the Welton teachers and support staff met with all the other MNSP primary staff at an INSET day event at Writhlington school focusing on the planning and teaching of writing. As you are probably aware, writing is a big focus for us this year (as it is for most primary schools) so I was delighted that the sessions we attended confirmed that we are making good progress with this across our school. I hope that your children talk enthusiastically about their writing as I know that the teachers have been planning and teaching some exciting units of work since September. Perhaps ask your child this weekend about the writing they do in class - the stories, poems and other writing that they complete in their day to day learning. A bit of practice with handwriting at home is always helpful too - even if you ask your child to copy the writing off a tin of beans, it is still a good way to practice letter formation and neatness! 

The Welton team thank you for your continued support.

With very best wishes for 2024,

Mr Snell :) 

Entering the school

As a school, we have a duty of care to safeguard our children and ensure that their safety is at the top of our list in everything we do. Please may we ask that no adults enter the school building unless they are with a member of staff and have signed in via the school office. Many thanks for your support in ensuring all of our children are safe. 

Parent Voice

 Don't forget, you can add any suggestions that you have to constructively support the school by completing the Google Form below. 

As always, thank you for you continued support in making this three-way partnership (the school, the parents and the children) as successful as it can be.  

Please find the form below:


Thank you

At the end of last term, we had a fabulous time celebrating in our Christmas parties. 

Thank you to the PTFA who donated snacks and prizes as part of our celebrations. Watch this space for what we will be putting PTFA money towards in the future. 


On February 28th, we will be doing another Rag 2 Riches collection. This is a fantastic way to raise money for the school and it also gives you all a fantastic opportunity to get rid of some of those clothes that are no longer needed. We will begin the collection in the coming weeks. Please look out for the bags coming home.

Many thanks for your continued support, helping raise money for our fabulous school. 

Term 3 Clubs

We are excited to announce that we have some new clubs this term. 

Our sports coach, Mr Hudson, will continue to run clubs on a Wednesday and a Thursday and they are as follows:

Wednesday- Multi Sports (All year groups)

Thursday- Y3/4 football 

We are really fortunate to have a coach come in and support our extra curricular sporting activities. The cost for next term will be £3.50 a session (3.15-4.15) making that a total of £21 for the term (ending week beginning 5th February). To book on, please head to parentpay from Monday 11th December. 

News and Events

Bath Rugby Foundation 

Today kicked off the first of 5 sessions with Bath Rugby working alongside our Y4,5,6 girls teaching them the skills of tag rugby. Whilst the sessions will focus on honing these skills, the project has been funded to also help use sport as a means to improve girls self esteem and mental well-being. We're so excited to partner with them on this and hope that our children will get a lot out of it. 

It was great to see them come back into class with rosy cheeks and bubbling about everything they had been doing. Lana and Ellie, who run the sessions, were really impressed with their attitude and the enthusiasm they brought to the afternoon so well done girls! 

 From next week, if they could bring in a spare pair of clothes to change into as they did get a little muddy today!

OPAL Donations

As we come into January, we know that it is a prime opportunity for a toy clear out. If you have any toys that you would like to get rid of, we would love these for our OPAL lunchtimes. 

Please see the letter below with other loose parts which we would love for part of our lunchtime provision. Thank you. 

OPAL donations.docx.pdf

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Class - Hawks

Top Christmas Doodlers

Eagles -  Keira

Hawks -  Theo

Kestrels - Lilah

Kingfishers -  TJ

Nightingales - Harry 

Robins -  Dylan

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy


Well done to the following classes!

Best Attendance this week:-



Over 96% Attendance this week:-



Class Pages

Take a look here for what your children are learning this term!

Community News

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
