Weekly Newsletter


Building foundations in the heart of our community

Key Dates

Value of week:


Message from Mr Snell

One of the joys of working in a school is to see children making progress and overcoming challenges. This week has certainly been a fantastic example of this as I was with our year 6s for the first half of their camp week at Heatree Activity Centre in Dartmoor. Staying away from home can often be a source of anxiety but I am delighted with the way our Year 6s managed this experience. While some were missing home comforts to begin with, I was so impressed with their growing confidence over the week and, more noticeably, their ability to work together as a team. Teamwork is such an important life skill and although we can teach it, nothing can beat actually taking part in activities that rely on each other for success. This was particularly noticeable over the week when faced with a range of activities that required the children to work together to succeed - whether climbing trees, climbing up waterfalls or even tidying up after meals, our children really embraced the opportunity to be their best. It was also wonderful to hear the encouragement each was giving to help their friends succeed. I know that all adults on the trip including the instructors at Heatree, were very impressed with the progress they made and I am confident that they will return to Welton with new lifelong skills that will give them confidence to face challenges as they grow older. Visit the Year 6 webpage to see the fun that was had! https://sites.google.com/weltonprimaryschool.co.uk/eagle-2024-25/home 

With thanks for your continued support,

Mr Snell :)

Parents Evening and Cauliflower Cards

Please don't forget to return Cauliflower Cards to classes on Monday. If they aren't back in, and ordered online, they will not be able to turn them into wonderful Christmas Cards.

Also, many thanks to everyone who has booked a parents' evening slot so far. We are aiming for 100%! Please speak to the office if you are having difficulty. You can book directly, by following the link.


Mastery Maths Morning

It was wonderful to welcome so many of you to our parent maths workshop. Mrs Blackmore spoke to everyone briefly about what our mastery approach to maths looks like and then parents got the chance to see some concrete and pictorial maths in action in the classrooms. Everywhere you looked there were counters, beads, numicon, part whole models and excited, engaged children writing on the tables! Have a look at some of the photos of the event and also the slides from the presentation.

Copy of Maths A Mastery Approach.pdf


For week 3 of our e-safety focus, we thought it would be good to give you a quick user guide to Snapchat and WhatsApp and the appropriateness of using this as an online tool. As you are all aware the age restriction for using WhatsApp is 16+ and Snapchat is 13 +. Please read the user guide below so that you are aware of the hazards that it may pose. 

If this is something, you continue to be unsure of or need some help navigating, please don't hesitate to speak with one of us. :)


Don't forget, our school website has lots of useful internet safety links to support you as parents. Just scroll to the bottom of the homepage....

Fun Science

After a successful Term 1, Fun Science are taking new members for Term 2. If you would like to take part, please read the information below. :)

Welton Primary letter (1).pdf

Term dates - Additional INSET day

Please be advised that MNSP Trustees have agreed to an additional INSET day for all primary and secondary schools (including middle and upper schools) for Wednesday 27th November 2024. An updated term dates calendar can be viewed on the school website: https://www.weltonprimaryschool.co.uk/key-information/term-dates.htm 

Illness and Attendance at Welton - understanding the new fining system.

As you are all aware, the government has set out clear guidelines around attendance and have brought in new penalty charges for those who are taking children out of school during term times, or have regular unauthorised absences. Please see our posters that aim to help you see what will happen if you take your children out during term time.

As always, we are here to help, so if you are unsure or need some additional support around attendance, please chat to us. We want to work with all of our families to ensure that children are in school, learning, as much as possible. 

Attendance Poster.pdf
Attendance Updates Poster.pdf

Firework Safety

This week, we were visited by Avon Fire and Rescue who discussed, with the children, the importance of being safe during firework season. The children did us all proud with their resepect and thoughtful answers. We even had an email praising them for their efforts. Please ask them about what they learned - this is a great way to reinforce them being safe around fireworks. I've also attached a quote from the email praising our children! What great ambassadors!

"The behaviour of the children is a credit to your staff, and we hope they really benefited from our visit."

Year 6 Camp

What a brilliant week at camp! The children had an amazing time and did their parents proud! Thank you to Mrs Heal for organising and Mrs Hartley for her support with the children during the week. Here are a couple of shots of what Y6 have been up to!


Well done to the following classes achieving over 95% this year, to date. 






Best Attendance this year:-



Monster Bash 

Many thanks to everyone who has sent in disco slips and money! If you haven't, there is still time. Please bring it in on Monday. Thank you :)


Keep an eye out in next week's newsletter for dates around a film night and the Christmas Fayre. 

Doodle Maths

Class of the week

Class - Kingfisher (88% on target)

Top Doodlers

Eagles -  Otis

Hawks -  Will

Kestrels -  Isaac

Kingfishers -  Roree

Nightingales - Chloe

Starling - Noah

Keep doodling at home. For most classes, this is part of the homework policy

Class Pages

Take a look here for what your children are learning this term! These are now live!

Governor Vacancies

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are excited to announce that we are currently seeking dedicated individuals to join the Governing Board at our school and across the Trust. This is a wonderful opportunity for those who are passionate about education and community involvement to make a meaningful impact on our school and help shape the future for our students.

We would greatly appreciate your support in spreading the word. If you know of anyone – family members, friends, colleagues, or community members – who might be interested in taking on a Governor role, please share the attached advert with them. The more widely we share this opportunity, the greater our chances of finding individuals who are committed to making a difference.

Should you have any questions or need further information please contact Emily Walker, Governance Professional via ewalker@msnpartnership.com

GovernorTrustee (1).pdf

Community News

Support for families and young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Support for families and young people with special educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Explore the SEND Local Offer to find out what support there is available for young people with SEND and their families. Live Well B&NES includes details of wellbeing groups, social clubs, inclusive activities, holiday clubs, mental health support services and opportunities beyond formal education.

Dedicated information sections signpost to support around benefits and funding, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s), health services and how to access impartial advice and guidance from specialist teams. Parent Carers of young people with SEND can identify ways they can access support for their role as a parent carer of a child with additional needs. You can also apply for your child’s free Rainbow Resource card providing discreet confirmation of their additional need, and enabling them to access dedicated activity sessions, quiet spaces and support, and in some cases concessions to venues across the South West.

Visit the SEND Local Offer to find out more. 


Knife Crime Awareness Event for Parents and Carers

The B&NES Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) are pleased to announce that we have now arranged a parental knife crime awareness event at St Mark’s School on Monday 21st October 2024, starting at 6pm.  Please book through our Eventbrite Link below.  

The event is aimed at parents and carers who would like to know more about the dangers of knife crime or are concerned that their children are at risk. They aim to increase awareness of key issues surrounding knife crime, empowering you and your children to make informed and positive decisions to stay safe.

You will have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers with lived experience, who have been personally affected by knife crime. There will also be a presentation by Street Doctors, followed by a panel discussion with the opportunity to ask questions.

The Bath & North East Somerset Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is a multi-agency partnership that aims to prevent and reduce violence in the area. We work to understand and address the root causes of violence, to prevent further violent crimes from occurring in the future. We provide resources and support the work of professionals and community groups who help children at risk or involved in serious violence.


For queries, please email VRP_Events@bathnes.gov.uk.


Or book your ticket now on Eventbrite:



Best Wishes,


The Violence Reduction Partnership

Contact Us

Welton Primary School

Radstock Road

Midsomer Norton



Tel: 01761 413131

Email: office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk
