MixedUp 2017 @NIST


Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
  • Demonstrate engaged with issues of global importance.
  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This was my first time being a part of MixedUp Concert at NIST. I along with my co-leaders decided to sign up for this MixedUp to set our Wells Helping PAWs (WHP) booth. Our aim was to spread awareness about cat welfare and raise funds by selling our WHP wrist bands, WHP stickers, and doing face painting. As WHP is a club with 4 leader, I being a leader as well, we learned a lot about team work and collaboration. As my other 2 leaders are very good in decorations and drawing, they were in charge of the face painting sector, and I along with my other friend took care of the booth by being in charge of wrist bands, and stickers. Therefore, we divided the work among ourselves to be in charge of the areas that we were strong and confident about so that we could cover the other leaders' weaknesses on the areas they weren't comfortable on. Overall, the experience of working together as WHP's leaders was good.