food Drive 2016

Service & Creativity

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Being a co-lerder of this club, for this Food Drive I would just like to give a thank you speech.

"Hello Paws, we just want to thank to all of our members for contributing their time during the Food Drive. The donation stand group, the announcement group, the photography group, and the poster group thanks a lot for working as a team. A big thank you to Ms.Cindy for always supporting us:)) Without our effort this wouldn't have been possible, so let's take this spirit and continue our journey together as Wells Helping Paws."

Food Drive is an one week event where we collect funds, and cat supplies for PAWS. As we have around 60 members in our club, it was really hard to manage and initiate a proper plan because some would be interested and some would not. However, I and my co-leader worked together and set everything in place. We did face challenges as some members were not doing their job, or were not on time for the donation stand. Nonetheless, we all still had the will to support PAWS and the cats. So we did it!