Bangna Campus


Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
  • Demonstrate engaged with issues of global importance.

PAWS visited Wells International Kindergarten to talk about the work PAWS does within the community and how the students can help to make a difference too. The grade 2 students from Bangna Campus planned to raise funds to donate to the Wells Helping PAWS pet food drive to help feed PAWS animals. As the students were really interested in knowing about PAWS and animal welfare, I and my co-leaders decided to plan an event where PAWS could come and visit them to raise awareness about their animal welfare. I along with my co-leaders organized a suitable date where PAWS could come and visit Wells International Kindergarten. We also planned cat related activities such as coloring pictures of cats, and decorating their name on the printed paws of the cat. We faced many challenges in the process of managing this event. Firstly, it was really hard to find an appropriate date in which both PAWS and the Bangna Campus students are available. Secondly, the planning of activities for kids was quite difficult because we had to make sure that the activities are easy and enjoyable for them. However, through team work and collaboration we accomplished our challenges and learned how to progress as a team. Lastly, I really enjoyed myself with little kids as they were really cute and were full in battery with positive vibes to learn something new.