Loy Krathong'16


Leaning outcome:

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

This was the first that our school organized a contest for Loy Krathong. The Thai department selected one girl and one boy from each high school grade. Thus, I was selected as the participant of this contest to represent my class. Therefore, we had to dress up in traditional Thai costumes, walk with the krathong to the judges then, Wai (show gratitude) the judges next, answer a question related to Loy Krathong, and then do Lam Thai (Thai traditional dance) on the song Loy Krathong. It was my first time ever being in such contest. I was really nervous, however, was excited to experience the feeling as well. This contest really taught me to believe in myself, and to be confident in myself. At last, I faced my challenged of being in this contest, something that I never did before, and overcame the challenge by winning the contest! This was one of the happiest moment I ever felt in my life.