
Learning outcome:

Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience


Being in Junior year, we planned and organized a prom night event for our going to be graduated seniors. Our class leaders divided the class into different groups. Each had had their on responsibility. We had food committee, music committee, activity committee, decoration committee, and senior gift committee. Each committee had at least one or two leaders and all the committee's leaders were in part of the prom committee. As I was the leader of activity committee, I was also the part of prom committee to help plan and organize the whole event with my other fellow friends.

Activity Commitee


As being the leader of the activity committee, we had meetings to prepare for creative activities to do for the night. To the left is the activity document of our planning. As I was also in the prom committee we had to select a hotel according to our budget and had to prepare for hotel commodities. The hotel planning document is also on the right.

Top Hotels: Details


As being a member of the prom committee we went to different hotels to investigate which hotel would be best suitable for our prom. So we would plan to go after school and on the weekends when all the members are free. Once we reach our destination we would then ask about the price for organizing the event, look for discounts, ask for the food menus, etc. After going to the selected hotels, the prom committee then discussed and compared to hotels' prices and their commodities. We presented our finding to the seniors, and selected the hotel according to their will.


Overall, the experience of planning and organizing this event was fun and challenging. It was a great experience to work as a whole class together, as it raised our class moral and class spirit. However, many challenges occurred in our way as ideas clashed, and things were being delayed. As our class worked together and as we helped each other using our strengths to cover their weaknesses we overcame challenges and made the event possible.


The day finally came where all our efforts and preparation were now taking place. We all were very very nervous as it was our first time organizing this big event. I got to be the MC with my other two fellow friends. Being a MC was a challenging role to lead the audience and make it night better. However, it was unbelievable to see that everything went according to the plan, all the seniors gave really good and positive feedback making this event successful.