Just Dance'17

Learning outcome:

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively


As a senior class, this was our first big event to raise funds for the senior trip. We did organize this event before in our sophomore class. We usually have two dance night every year one from sophomore class and another from senior class. Thus, being in the senior class it was our time of the year to organize the event for all the middle schoolers and high schoolers. First we decided a suitable date one month in advance and then started our preparation.


To start the preparation the class was divided in different committee, we have food committee, marketing and design committee, decoration committee, and music committee. All these committee had different responsibilities that and plans to accomplish before our dance night.


I being in marketing and design committee was responsible for ticket designing, printing the tickets, and promoting the dance night. As being a member in the marketing and design committee we printed the tickets that was designed my one of my fellow friend. As a class we also helped the decoration committee in blowing the balloons and painting them for our photo booth. As a class we worked together and helped prepare for the whole event. Finally on the event day, we all busy in our responsibilties, some were at the door for entrance, some were entertaining the visitors, and some cooking downstairs and some like me were at the food booth passing drinks and food to our visitors.


Overall, the experiences of working together as a class has always been fun, challenging with ups and downs. The experience this time was similar, we all helped each other and made this event possible. It was really nice to see how each and everyone in our class contributed for this event as this is the last event that was organized from our class. We did face challenges during the setup at we could only get one fire pan to cook both fries and nuggets. As some people we vegetarian we could not mix the nugget oil with the fries, so we faced some problems in frying fries and nugget. However, with patience we were able to keep everything in order.


I have learned a lot from this experience. I have learned to collaborate with friends, learned that team work can really make a difference, and learned to have some fun while working at the same time. Overall the experience will be memorable as it was our last event organized as a class.