MEDIA bias
MEDIA is the word used to describe different platforms of communication designed to reach the mass of the people.
Each platform is a medium. The plural is MEDIA.
Broadcasting - TV, Radio, Podcasts
Publishing - Newspapers, magazines
Internet - Websites, blogs, social media platforms
OVERT BIAS: Being Obvious
Being clear about what political perspective is being presented or followed.
Some sources let their users know what their views are. They are clear about what they’re interested in and being clear about it may attract viewers.
media BIAS
When talking about information sources, the term “bias” refers to whether a source is giving one-sided information or neutral/balanced information.
Whose point of view is being represented?
Is the information giving you the whole story?
SECRET BIAS: Being Subtle
Secret Bias exists when a news source is not clear about their existing political leanings or biases.
They might let users know of their biases through SUBTLE language that seems neutral, but is actually biased.
Or it could be visible in what topics they choose to (and not to) cover, who they choose to go to for expert-opinions, etc.
Confirmation bias is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.
This could be by:
Focusing on the parts of the information that you agree with and disregarding anything that goes against what you already believe.
Choosing to only get information from sources you know support your views.
Disconfirmation bias is the tendency to overly question or not believe information that challenges your existing beliefs or theories.
This could be by:
Immediately disregarding or questioning information you don’t agree with without considering it.
Assuming all information from a source you don’t normally agree with is automatically wrong.