Massachusetts State Legislature

Use this site to search laws, bills, hearings, and events and the state level.

This is a collection of all the different Wellesley School Committee policies. This will be a good resource if you are working on a topic related to Wellesley schools. (Use the search bar to navigate!)

Wellesley Government Website

The Swellesley Report is a blog that covers Wellesley. Remember, this is a blog and not an "official" news source. Use it for Letters to the Editor and general news. You may need to verify elsewhere.

This website provides pros and cons of many social issue topics. It is generally presumed to be trustworthy, but you should make your own decisions!


On databases, it is best to start with a broad topic and use the "search within" button to narrow your search by adding relevant keywords. You can also limit your results by date and content level.

Don't forget to cite your sources!

To SHARE your project with the other members of your group:


At this point in your middle school career, we don't expect you to TRAC your sources with a rubric, but we do expect you to be thinking about TRAC when choosing sources. 


Pay attention to the bias of sources you find. Remember, in this case, biased information may actually be a good thing to support your action claim. And you should also be aware of what the other side says!

MBC 2023.pdf