Acceptable Use Policy
WPS Acceptable Use Policy
Wellesley Middle School provides computers, networks, and Internet access to enhance learning and teaching opportunities. The Internet may be used as a powerful research tool in a school setting. It can provide information beyond what is available in local print resources. This global network provides students the opportunity to explore and examine vast amounts of local, national, and international resources. The information available touches on every area of the curriculum. In order to become life long learners, it is important for students to gain electronic information retrieval skills.
Rights & Responsibilities
Computers and Internet access are provided so that students may conduct research and communicate with others. Access to these tools will be provided only to those students who act in a responsible manner. Use of computers and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. This policy has been developed to outline responsibilities students must adhere to in order to maintain user privileges. Wellesley Middle School does not endorse any material that is available over the network. The school takes no responsibility for the content of these resources over which it has no control. All users shall assume full liability, legal, financial, or otherwise, for their actions.
Guidelines for Internet and Computer Use
Responsible, ethical, and legal behavior is expected from each user. Each user must respect the rights of all other users on the Internet and must be responsible for his/her actions involving school computers, networks, files, passwords, and accounts.
Below are the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. Students are expected to abide by these rules when using any form of network communication:
1. Be polite.
2. Use appropriate language.
3. Do not reveal personal addresses or phone numbers of yourself or anyone else.
Unacceptable use will result in the loss of access privileges. Examples of unacceptable Internet and computer use include, but is not limited to, the following:
Examples of Unacceptable Internet Use
Committing plagiarism, the act of copying from the Internet with the intent of presenting that information as your own work.
Revealing personal information about yourself or others (i.e., last name, home address, name of school, e-mail address, or telephone number).
Typing or viewing inappropriate language including language that is profane, vulgar, threatening, discriminatory, harassing or otherwise inappropriate for the school environment.
Accessing, sending, or displaying inappropriate images or videos including media content that is offensive, violent, obscene, or sexually explicit.
Using the school’s network and Internet service for any illegal activity.
Violating copyright by downloading copyrighted materials without the owner’s permission.
Using Chat or Instant Messaging software.
Examples of Unacceptable Computer Use
Playing games not specifically authorized by a teacher.
Degrading or damaging computer equipment or software.
Deleting or altering files or file contents that do not belong to you.
Copying or installing software or plug-ins.
Changing system configuration settings or preference
August 2006