About Us

About the Library

The two people you'll see when you come to the library are Ms. Chessman, the librarian, and Mrs. Briskin, the library assistant.

Ms. Chessman will be the one instructing you in the teaching area, giving you book recommendations and helping you with research.

Mrs. Briskin will be the one checking out your books, helping you find books and being generally helpful!

You can contact us at:

chessmans@wellesleyps.org for Ms. Chessman 

briskine@wellesleyps.org for Mrs. Briskin

The Nitty-Gritty

The library is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30am-3:30pm and 7:30-2:30 on Fridays.

We close at 11:20am on EARLY RELEASE days.

We close at 2:30pm on FACULTY MEETING days.

Check the CALENDAR to see more closings and when your classes are booked to visit.

Students can come to the library before and after school just by coming directly here, without a pass from a teacher.

During school hours, students need to have passes from wherever they are coming from.  Most of the time, sixth graders visit the library from Literacy Workshop and with their classes.  Seventh and Eighth grade students come with their classes as well, and they also sometimes come from study halls or labs. 

All students must sign in and out of the library at the circulation desk when they come in before, during and after school.