WMS Computer Science
Mr. Barlas
Your Grade
Your grade is based on three areas: Lesson completion, Projects both completion & rubric based, the 4Ps. This is a total points grade. This means projects will be worth more points than lessons. Projects will be graded within one week of the due date.
The four Ps stand for Prompt, Prepared, Polite, and Productive. Each class you can earn 1 point for each of the four categories. You will get a score out of 12 for each cycle (less if the are missed classes)
Behavior that earns a point
Arriving to class prior to the bell. Calmly taking a seat. Preparing for the period.
Behavior that does not earns a point
Arriving well after the bell without a pass.
Behavior that earns a point
Having all materials ready for class. Reviewing the agenda at the start of class and preparing relevant questions.
Behavior that does not earns a point
Regularly and repeatedly needed to leave class to retrieve necessary materials.
Behavior that earns a point
Raising a hand to answer/ask questions. Use kind words. Be respectful of other people.
Behavior that does not earns a point
Interrupting. Being unkind. Be critical of other peoples’ work.
Behavior that earns a point
Staying with the class during lessons. Making use in class time given to make meaningful progress on, if not complete projects.
Behavior that does not earns a point
Playing games or otherwise not using class time given to make meaningful progress on, if not complete projects.
Google Classroom
Your central hub for all assignments and your grade will be in Google Classroom. If your parents/guardians are not connected to your Google account please do so.
barlasn@wellesleyps.org is the best way to contact me with any questions or concerns that come up. Please reach out to me as soon as you need help. I will make every effort to respond by the end of the next school day or sooner.
For current information about assignments and student progress please visit your section's Google Classroom. Please contact me to arrange for an extra help session on a Tuesday after school.