Data Ethics 2

This module consists of reading and pondering, rather than videos with a lecture survey.

Data Ethics Reading

by Andrew Gelman, published in Chance in 2017.

from the American Statistical Association, 2022.

(a) Read Andrew Gelman’s article, “Honesty and transparency are not enough.” Gelman refers to an “Excel error” by Reinhart and Rogoff. Google, read, and explain the mistake made by those authors.

(b) List some specific actions researchers can take that Gelman would label “honesty and transparency.”

(c) What would Gelman like researchers to do in addition to acting in an honest and transparent way?

(d) Open the American Statistical Association’s “Ethical guidelines for statistical practice.” Note that clicking on the blue bars labeled “The ethical statistical practitioner:” expands sets of specific guidelines. Identify at least two guidelines that Gelman would call “honesty and transparency” and at least one guideline that address his desire for researchers to go beyond honesty and transparency.