Knapp Equipment Desk

 ⚠️ Alert alert! There's no drop-in circulation during the summer! ⚠️

Please make an appointment to pick up or drop off equipment.

The Knapp Equipment Desk offers media production equipment to all students, faculty, and staff, regardless of coursework or department (although academic use does get priority over non-academic use, when applicable).

R&R requires the Wellesley VPN if you are off-campus!


What equipment is available?

We circulate cameras, tripods, audio recording equipment, projectors, dongles & cables, extension cords, nexus tablets, external hard drives, and more.

Check R&R for a full list of equipment available at Knapp (requires VPN off-campus).

I've never used ______, how do I learn?

Sign up for trainings here!

You can also check out our Youtube playlists that highlight video tutorials we find particularly helpful.


If you’d like in-depth training on something not offered, contact to set up a training session!

Do I need to reserve equipment in advance? How do I do that?

We recommend reserving equipment in advance. Without a reservation, we can't guarantee we'll have what you are looking for in stock when you arrive.

Additionally, reservations allow us to make accurate decisions about equipment renewals and loan period extensions. If you do not reserve the equipment you want to use, we may keep extending existing reservations for the first borrower.

You can make equipment reservations via R&R. Please email if you need help making a reservation.

Where and when can I pick up/drop off equipment?

At the Knapp Equipment Desk on the first floor of the Clapp library in Mod 304! 

Our hours are kept updated via our public Google calendar, or you can email to request a pick-up or drop-off appointment outside of regular hours.

Please do not leave Knapp equipment at the desk unattended. Any equipment left unattanded will remain your responsibility until successfully located and safely checked back in with a Knapp employee. Repeatedly leaving equipment unattended may result in a borrowing block.

How long can I borrow equipment for?

Default borrowing periods can be found by clicking on a specific piece of equipment in R&R


If you think you’ll need the equipment for longer than the default time length, talk to whoever is staffing the Knapp Equipment Desk when you arrive to pick up the equipment. We do not generally check equipment out for periods longer than 3 weeks at a time, but will make exceptions in certain cases. In order to provide the entire community with access to Knapp resources, we typically do not allow semester-long borrowing of our equipment unless requested by a professor for a class or independent study.

Please note that Knapp Equipment is not meant to replace tools and equipment; it is meant to provide temporary access to tools or equipment, especially those that are prohibitively expensive for individuals to purchase on their own. If you need a new HDMI cord to connect your computer to your TV, feel free to borrow one from Knapp while a replacement is in the mail. 

What can I use Knapp EQ for? Can I bring it off campus?

Knapp equipment is not intended to serve as the primary backup for your work. LTS is not responsible for any data lost while using these items. Data will be wiped from applicable equipment (DSLRs, etc.) upon returning the equipment.

Why do I have a $4,000 charge on my R&R account?

A $4,000 default replacement fee will be automatically placed on your account for any overdue equipment. Replacement fines will be waived when the equipment is returned (please request this; fees are not automatically cleared).


If you have been banned but need Knapp equipment for academic purposes, your professor should contact

What happens if I lose or break equipment?

If any piece of an equipment kit is missing or broken, we will not accept the equipment for return until you have searched for the missing item or made a reasonable effort to fix the broken part.

If you have permanently lost or broken a piece of equipment, you will be charged a replacement fee for the cost of the piece or for the entire equipment kit (if necessary).

Read our borrowing policies for more information.

What if I need equipment that Knapp doesn't circulate?

Check and see if the Computing Helpdesk, the Clapp Service Desk or Media Services offers the equipment you’re looking for.


Additionally, the Wellesley Free Library (530 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA 02482) also circulates physical equipment via their Library of Things. Wellesley College students automatically have library cards at the town library. To activate your account, visit or call or the Wellesley Free Library to verify your name, Wellesley College mailing address, and college e-mail, and they will provide you with a library card number. Individuals are responsible for adhering to all Wellesley Free Library policies.


If the equipment you're searching for relates to multimedia production and would benefit the greater campus community, reach out to to discuss the option of Knapp acquiring the equipment.

I forgot to return equipment before leaving campus! What should I do?

Email to let us know and discuss options. If you graduated or otherwise will not be returning to campus, you should mail equipment back using this address:

Knapp Equipment Desk

Clapp Library

106 Central Street

Wellesley MA 02481