Weiser Little Theatre is honored to be bringing theatre to the Weiser community for over 25 years! Please join us in celebrating the Arts as we bring the Performing Arts to you. Be sure to check out our Productions page to see our upcoming season.
Weiser Little Theatre is honored to be bringing theatre to the Weiser community for over 25 years! Please join us in celebrating the Arts as we bring the Performing Arts to you. Be sure to check out our Productions page to see our upcoming season.
Last Round-Up of the Guacamole Queens
a Jones Hope Wooten Comedy
October 8*, 10, 11, 12, 15*, 17, 18, 19
*Dessert Night only
TICKETS http://weiserlittletheater.seatyourself.biz
or call Re.Theater's Remote Box Office (208) 549-9355 and leave a message.
They will call you back shortly to assist you.
Tickets available at:
Bee Tree Folk School (Pythian Castle)
30 E. Idaho St. Weiser, ID
Dinner & Show Performances $30
Doors open – 6:00 pm
Dinner served - 6:45 pm
Curtain time – 7:30 pm
Dessert served at Intermission
*Dessert & Show Performances $20
Doors open - 6:00pm
Curtain time - 7:00pm
Weiser Little Theater
405 E. Second St.
Weiser, Idaho