Mr. D. Palamides

Assignment Due Dates & Special Events

Welcome to CCMS 2023.pdf


I am looking forward to enjoying a new learning experience with both you and your child this year. We will certainly benefit and be greatly enriched by the sharing of a variety of personalities in our classroom.

David Palamides - Planboard - 2023-24.pdf


Here is a copy of the timetable that we'll be following during this school year.

CCMS Parent Guide to Digital Literacy.pdf

Parent Guide to Digital Literacy

It is my hope that this guide will provide you with a better understanding of the positive uses of digital media here at CCMS. I encourage you to become an active participant in your child's learning and digital activity.

Google Classroom

At CCMS, we will try to complete almost all assignments electronically rather than on a printed piece of paper. Using Google Classroom to complete and submit assignments is an essential part of our daily routine. Ask your child to show you around their different classrooms as often as possible so you can see their current level of progress and achievement. Also, the CCMS Parent Guide to Digital Literacy is a great way to familiarize yourself with the Google Workspace environment at our school.


Most assignments are designed to be completed at school, however, students will sometimes need to polish their work at home in aspiring to grade level expectations. If your child frequently tells you that all of their work is finished and at school, ask them to log into their Google Classroom to show you what they've been doing, or to bring their notebooks home the following evening so you can see any paper and pencil work for yourself!



Key assignments and assessments will be evaluated with a level grade. The provincial guide for grading will be used to transfer level grades to their percentage equivalents for reporting purposes.


Ontario's 2020 Math Curriculum provides a fresh perspective in a familiar subject area. There will be an adjustment period as students become familiar with the updated Curriculum Expectations at the Intermediate grade level.