SEO Reports in Analytics

Search Engine Optimization Reports in Google Analytics 

Four metrics specific to Google Web Search data:

Queries Report

The Queries report shows the Google search queries that generated the most impressions for your website URLs. You can sort by other columns—such as clicks—to order queries in descending/ascending rank by those metrics. By using this report, you can identify search queries for which your site has a good average position, but poor clickthrough rates. These are queries for which your pages get attention, so improved content could lead to more traffic.

Keep in mind that the most typical search queries return only a single URL from your site, and the average position for a search query is based on this single URL position. In the case where a query returns more than one URL from your site, the average position is based on the most prominent URL in the search results when only a low number of URLs from your site are displayed.

Landing Pages Report

The Landing Pages report shows the URLs to your website that have generated the most impressions in Google Web search results. With this report, you can identify landing pages on your site that have good click through rates (CTR), but have poor average positions in search results. These could be pages that people want to see, but have trouble finding.

In addition, a single URL is typically associated with many unique queries. For this reason, the average position ranking for a given page can be influenced by more generic queries, and if you are comparing the top landing pages to the top queries with respect to Average Position, you should keep this in mind. For example, for a website dedicated to classic automobiles, a query such as classic automobiles might return the URL for the home page only, whereas a query such as classic automobiles Ford might return the URL for the home page as well as other pages in the site. In this case, the generic query improves the position ranking for the home page over the ranking of pages that are more specific in nature.

SEO Geographical Summary Report

The Geographical Summary report provides a general view of Impressions, Clicks, and CTR by country. At a glance, you can see which countries are generating the most search activity for your site on Google search. You can also select Google Property as a primary dimension to see a breakdown of search activity on Google search by the following:


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