West De Pere Staff

Meet Mrs. LaPierre

Hello and welcome to  4th Grade!

I am excited to begin a new year. I LOVE adventures and I view the school year as a journey. The beginning of the journey is so important in order to set off toward success. Travel companions are essential on an adventure in order to keep one another on the right path. This year, our classmates and families will be our travel companions. Yes, we all have different backgrounds and different abilities/passions, but together our goal remains the same...to reach the destination---growth and progress. There will be bumps and wrong turns along the way like any good adventure has; however, our team will be there to guide us back. We are all leaders in our own ways, no one more important than the other. TOGETHER, we will conquer this long, winding adventure and be better, smarter, and more confident. 

Get to know me:

I am married and have two boys

I like going up north to the cabin

My favorite restaurant is Qdoba

My favorite drink is coffee

I love historical fiction books!

I played basketball at St. Norbert College

I love sports.

Specials Schedule

Day 1:  Phantom Skills and Phy Ed

Day 2: Phy Ed and Music

Day 3: Computer Science and Phy Ed

Day 4: Art

Day 5: Music and Library