Career-related Programme

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What is the Career-related Programme?

The IB Career-related Programme (CP) is for students, age 16–19 years, who wish to focus on career-related learning in the last two years of secondary school. The CP combines the highly regarded and academically challenging courses from the IB Diploma Programme (DP) with practical, real-world approaches to learning. All of the elements of the CP help students develop the communication, personal, and academic skills necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

What’s unique about the Career-related Programme?

Students complete the four core components of the CP and two Diploma Programme courses and exams. The core consists of service learning, personal and professional skills, language development and a reflective project. In addition, students select a career-related studies that draw all aspects of the CP together. The chosen career-related studies path prepares students for higher education, internship, apprenticeship, or a position in a designated field of interest.

Why choose the Career-related Programme?

  • combines academic subjects with professional interests
  • encourages critical thinking and creativity in real-world situations
  • helps students to effectively work independently and in collaboration with others
  • opens new perspectives and a sense of international-mindedness
  • develops greater self-confidence and self-awareness through study