Digital Media Awareness


In October, students in all grades came to the media center and participated in digital media lessons. This month's topic was Finding Balance. Check out this informative link to get an idea of what students learned this month

Check out this quick video about how video gaming can be addictive:


In November, students in all grades will receive lessons on privacy and security.

Check out these quick videos.

...Did you know??

This one is a must see for those of you who like to do those Facebook quizzes. Did you know that answering those quizzes may give hackers answers to your security questions? Even something as seemingly innocent as "What's Your Elf Name?" can give hackers access to security answers or passwords. Be careful when those type quizzes ask for your mother's maiden name, address you grew up on, etc. These innocent questions can give insight to your security answers and/or passwords. Check this video out:

Sixth Grade - Protect Yourself From Phishing:

Seventh Grade - How do companies collect and use data about you?

Eighth Grade - How can you protect your privacy when you're online?