Festival of the Arts

The JayBots demonstrated their robot at the Festival of the Arts on May 18 2019.


-Made the arm extend and retract

-Put arm in robot

-Robot code was not functioning correctly due to robot “stopping” error

-Had to make a new basic turning code and basic movements for the first demo since arm did not work.

-The planned second demo would have the arm working

-Ran out of zipties, replaced with pipe cleaners from nearby booth “Circuit bugs.”

-Robert (lead coder) accidentally programmed the Robot wrong before/during first demo times

-Robert had programmed Gripper onto same controls as the right wheel

-The whole robot after that worked, except we ran out of screw heads.

-New screws did not work with screw head driver

-Second demo, showed off arm and gripper

-Walked around while driving robot to show it off.