What do zookeepers do?

If you have visited a zoo or aquarium, you have probably seen someone either feeding animals or cleaning an animal habitat. These people are zookeepers and play a very large and important role in caring for the animals at the zoo.

Zookeepers do much more than just feed the animals. They are the caretakers of the animals at the zoo. Whether it be feeding, cleaning, or a check up from the vet, the zookeeper is a part of it all. They do different exercises with the animals so while the animal is having fun and getting treats, the zookeeper gets to check things such as their teeth, their ability to move, and depending on the animal their flippers, wings, or legs. The zookeeper is also in charge of getting the animal prepared to have shots from the vet because animals, like most humans, do not like getting shots from their doctor.

The zookeepers don’t only work with the animals either, they also get to work with zoo visitors, like you. Zookeepers work to educate zoo visitors about the animal, their diet, and their natural habitats. Zookeepers play a very large role in animal care and the zoos would not be able to function without them.

How do animal keepers care for marine animals and other animals in zoos and aquariums?

Providing enrichment for animals is a BIG part of a zookeepers job!

Have you ever wanted to be an animal keeper or zookeeper? Well if you have any animals at home, now is your chance! A very important part of a zookeeper’s day is animal enrichment. Enrichment is when the zookeeper does any sort of activity with an animal to keep the animal entertained and make sure they are healthy. Somethings you can do at home are:

  • Take your dog on a walk

  • Give your dog toys and playing with them

  • Make sure animals such as cats or rabbits have scratching posts/toys

  • Dogs enjoy having to look for things, so occasionally hiding their toys could provide them with a fun challenge

  • Using a bubble machine or simply blowing bubbles will keep dogs and cats entertained for a good amount of time as they attempt to chase and pop the bubbles

  • Food puzzles for dogs

  • Many dogs love digging, if possible give them a space to dig

  • Small animals such as hamsters or rabbits should have items for exercise such as a wheel

  • Some animals such as dogs are very social animals so be sure to interact with your dog many times throughout the day.

  • If you have a bird, provide them with different bird toys to keep them entertained.

  • Be sure to give your pets the right amount of food and water each day!

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