Look! These look exactly like the cocoa plants Mari showed the Forrest family on the sunny farm, except now they are growing right inside the shady forest. Could this be a cocoa farm too?

Maybe those animals over there can explain what's going on here. Click play!

Wow, this is a shade-grown cocoa farm, where farmers can grow ingredients to make chocolate and wildlife can thrive at the same time!

Celebrate all of the biodiversity, or different types of life, that live in the rainforest and on shade grown farms with these fun games.

Online | Pair the Rainforest: a fun memory game! Click the green flag to begin.

More Games!

Print | Pair the Rainforest: print the cards below to play the memory game by hand.

Print | Go Sustainable: print the cards below to play this game inspired by Go-Fish!

Online | Who Am I?: Use the images below to play this game inspired by Guess Who?

Sustainable Farming Cards_1 .pdf
Sustainable Farming Cards_2.pdf

It's clear why The Planet Protectors brought The Forrest family to the rainforest to show them the difference between full sun farms, and shade-grown farms. We all have the power to help wildlife in the rainforest by choosing to support sustainable farms!

Click the arrow to head back to New York with the Forrest Family and put what we learned into effect.

Continue your Quest!