Join Zoo Scout Lupita on a bioblitz in the Bronx!

Lupita is excited you'll be helping her to conduct a Critter Community Census by the Bronx River. Together, you'll investigate the aquatic communities that live along the Bronx Zoo's Mitsubishi Riverwalk!

Lupita has volunteered at clean up events along the Bronx River for years. She is an expert! She's excited you'll be volunteering with her today.

Learn about the Bronx River with Lupita!

click for map source: NYCparks

The flora of the Bronx River includes all of the plants that live in this ecosystem.

Plants are an important source of food for lots of animals, but what do the plants eat? Do a quick experiment with Lupita to learn below.

Wow, photosynthesis is amazing! Hey Zoo Scout, look at these plants on the river over here! Let's take a look and identify them so we can add them to the census.

BX River Flora.pdf
Elodea Candensis.m4a

Click to hear the scientific name pronounced!

BX River Flora (1).pdf

Click to hear the scientific name pronounced!

BX River Flora (2).pdf

Click to hear the scientific name pronounced!

Great work exploring the plants on the river; now it's time to focus on the animals. The Bronx River's fauna is all of the animals that live in this ecosystem.

Can you help reconnect the ecosystem by connecting the food chain? After you're done, see if you can match the fun fact to the correct Bronx River animal.

Connect the food chain in the Bronx River.pdf
Connect the food chain in the Bronx River (1).pdf

Great work, Zoo Scout!

When you're all done with the activity sheets check your answers on this answer key.

Now that you've gotten familiar with the flora and fauna around the river, it's finally time to bioblitz!

Click the green flag to begin! When you're done bioblitzing, click Lupita to finish.

Great work Zoo Scouts

You’ve ‘blitzed through the Bronx! Bravo!


limited edition

Pin this patch on your Zoo Scout uniform and always remember the wildlife you encountered along the Bronx River in this borough.

full patch: 100% complete!

Continue your Quest!