Ms. Turco

Art Google Classroom

A Little About Me

Hello there Little Artist and welcome back to another amazing school year! Time to carve out a place in your home to get messy and create some fantastic art. My parents were both educators and artist, so it’s no surprise I grew up to be an art teacher! I hold a BA from Central Michigan University in Elementary Education and a MAT in Early Childhood Administration and Consulting from Oakland University. I am also a National Board Certified Teacher. My two amazing boys are grown, one married. They both have dogs (and I talk about Turk and Ava a lot). I live in the small community of Carrboro where it is bilingual, artsy and everybody literally knows your name.

My Favorites

Color: Heathered grey

Food: Juicy cheese burger off the grill

Place: Any beach

Hobby: Renovating historic homes

Music Group: LOVE old Motown music

Book: Martina the Beautiful Cockroach, by Carmen Agra Deedy

Secret Talent: Saying the ABC backwards

Fun Fact: I can’t grow cilantro.