Gravitational Force


by TechTB, November 16, 2020

Gravitational Force pulls everything towards itself, this includes stars, planets etc. Gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton. Most people believed that the heavier the object, the more pull towards the center of the earth until 1638.

Galileo Galilei from

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei proved that objects fall at the same speed even if it is light or heavy.

In 1971 astronaut Dave Scott, performed an experiment on the Moon. He took a hammer and a feather in his hand on the Moon and then left both at the same time. Both touched the moon surface at the same time. So now Galileo proved again that objects fall at the same speed even if it is light or heavy. “Galileo calculated the rate at which objects accelerate while falling to Earth. That rate is now known to be 9.81 m/s²” Credit: Active Wild

Cycles of a Tide Tides cycle as the Moon rotates around the Earth. Credit:

Gravity, the Moon, and Tides

Everything in the universe attracts each other. Large things like the Earth and Moon attract each other too. So strong, in fact, it keeps the moon spinning in its orbit rather than flying in the universe. Because the moon is smaller, and less dense, than Earth. It has only 17% of the earth. In fact, Neil Armstrong’s weight on the moon was only 17% of what it was on Earth. So he was able to jump higher on the Moon than the Earth. Although the weight of the moon is much less than that of Earth’s, it still affects the Earth. Tides are caused by the gravity of Earth and Moon.


1. Objects fall at the same speed even if it is light or heavy because of the Gravitational force.

2. Gravity Keeps the Moon in its orbit.

3. Gravity Causes the Tides of the Oceans

4. Without gravity, all people and other objects would go floating off into space.