Dueling Dinosaurs

New Discovery for the Natural History Museum

By: Player

Quite recently a nearly complete T.Rex and an amazingly preserved Triceratops have been donated to the NC Natural History Museum. These two dinosaurs are amazing specimens that were found in 2006 and went through many legal battles until they finally arrived in North Carolina. CNN says that “...researchers believe the Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton is the only 100% complete T. Rex fossil.” The museum says that the exhibit will open some time in 2022.


The Fossils were found on a ranch in Montana and were discovered in 2006. The only problem was that the man who found them owned the mineral rights to the ranch, but the owner of the ranch thought that since he owned the land should have the fossils. After many legal battles between the two it was stated that the ranch owner should get the fossils since fossils were not technically minerals. The owner of the ranch then tried to action the fossils off, but he couldn't get his asking price. Finally a group called Friends of NC Natural History Museum raised an undisclosed amount of money and bought the fossils and donated them to our local museum.

T. Rex:

The T.Rex is a juvenile that died attacking the Triceratops. The Murder mystery may be amazing but the truly amazing thing is that the T.Rex was reserved completely underground. Because this dino was underground it was perfectly preserved. Though researchers are truly looking for a certain fossil a fossilized feather indents an outline of a feather. If they find this outline that would be proof that T.Rex had feathers for a very long time it had just been a hypothesis, a theory now the paleontologists may be able to prove it.


The triceratops is thought to be a nearly complete fossil set. The triceratops had fossilized skin fragments on its frill; this means that scientists will be able to run tests and see what collar the ionic triceratops frill was. The scientists, as CNN states, “also want to find out if the contents of its stomach were preserved. If so, they could learn about its last meal.”

Murder Mystery?

Scientists aren't sure what killed these two and some think they may have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but evidence may point towards a murder mystery. For starters the T.Rex has a broken finger, cracked teeth, and a crack in the skull could be from a fight with the Triceratops. Even more, the Triceratops was found with T.Rex teeth stuck in its spine. It's still too early to call it for sure but who knows anything is possible.