Auditions & Course registration 


Chorus Registration: 2021-2022

For the 2021-2022 school year, we are looking forward to being back to a NORMAL in-person chorus experience! Here are some details:

First, here's a video on why to take chorus at Panther Creek!

 Chorus Promo Video: 2021-2022

1) If new to Chorus at Panther Creek (incoming Freshman or grades 10-12 who haven't taken high-school level chorus), watch the following info video for some basic details: Intro about Chorus at Panther Creek

2) Mixed Chorus (Vocal Music 1) requires no auditions/placement required; meets for just 1 semester (Fall). Focuses on learning how to sing better, how to read music, exposure to different types of musical repertoire and cultures, and some basic music theory. See registration number below.

3) For Treble Voices and Chamber Choir:

a. For any treble voice (soprano or alto) that HAS completed Mixed Chorus but not yet taken the pd. 3 Treble Voices class, you can sign up without any audition! Select the Vocal 2 course codes, as posted below.

b. For singers who have NOT taken Mixed Chorus (Vocal Music 1), an easy chorus placement audition is necessary.

c. Placement auditions will be ONLINE this month and will consist of the following:

4) Once you have established a time for your placement audition, use the following link to meet with me online: Meet for Placement Audition.

Chorus registration numbers are as follows:


Mixed Chorus:

Sign up: **Vocal 1, Mixed Chorus: FALL only: Beginning 52302X0AN

Treble Voices

: Must sign up for TWO of the following (please note the number of semesters required for each course number)

**Vocal Music II CC Intermediate Fall 52312X0AF (1 semester or less previously COMPLETED)

**Vocal Music III (Honors) CC Proficient Fall 52325X0AF (2 or more semesters COMPLETED)

**Vocal Music III (Honors) CC Proficient Spring 52325X0AS (2 or more semesters COMPLETED)

Chamber Choir

: Must sign up for TWO of the following (please note the number of semesters required for each course number)

**Vocal Music IV (Honors) SCE Adv. Fall 52335X0AF

**Vocal Music IV (Honors) SCE Adv. Spring 52335X0AS (6 or more semesters of chorus completed)