North Garner Middle School

Rising 6th Grade Families and Students

School Hours: 8:30 am-3:15 pm (Students may enter the building at 8 am

If you arrive late to school, please check into the main office before going to class. 

If you are being checked out early, check out is up until 2:55 pm. 

Si llega tarde a la escuela, regístrese en la oficina principal antes de ir a clase.

Si va a salir temprano, la salida es hasta las 2:55 p.m.

Year Round Track 4A Calendar          Bell Schedule (includes A/B Electives Schedule)

Don't have a class schedule? No worries if you missed the Open House/Schedule Pick Up events. All 6th grade students need go directly to the auditorium when they arrive on Monday, July 29th and Tuesday, July 30th. They will receive their schedules at that time. If they have lost their copy, we wil also have extra copies. If you have scheduling concerns, please reach out to Mrs. Byrd at

NGMS Rising 6th Grade Camp Presentation 24-25

Student are placed in teams for math, science, ELA, and social studies. The teams and teachers within each team are: 


ELA & Science: Ms. Hodges Lester ("Ms. HL")

Math & Social Studies: Ms. Richardson 


ELA: Mrs. Malone

Math: Mrs. Bennett

Social Studies: Mr. Cook

Science: Ms. Williams


ELA: Mrs. Callahan

Math: Ms. Foster

Social Studies: Mr. Suciu

Science: Mr. Harris

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a Question? Click on arrow in upper left corner of the form below.

¿Tengo una pregunta? Haga clic en el formulario a continuación para completarlo.

Open: Click on arrow in upper left corner of the form below.

Haga clic en el documento de Google a continuación para abrirlo

North Garner Middle School FAQ

Handbooks & Policies

NEW 2024-2025

North Garner is a CEP School!

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a USDA program that allows qualifying schools to serve breakfast and lunch to all enrolled students at no cost. Households do not need to complete a meal benefits application for students attending a CEP school and families cannot be asked to complete a meal benefits application for students attending a CEP school for other education benefits purposes.

Note: If households have other students attending a non-CEP school, they must complete a meal benefits application for their other students if they want to be considered for discounted free or reduced-price meal benefits. 

PLEASE Follow the safety guidelines for picking up and dropping off students. 

Click here to view. 


New: WCPSS Bus Updates Site

Here Comes the Bus & Code

Note: Registered year-round calendar bus riders should have received an email on 6/20 with detailed information about bus stops & estimated pick-up & drop-off times. That info can be found at 

Transportation Tip: Please make sure to discuss with your child how they will be getting home everyday especially the first week or so as it can be overwhelming for them to not know. We will still check in with every class to confirm every child knows how they are getting home the first week of school, but it is extremely helpful if you reach out to Mr. Lee or Ms. Kimmerly before the first day of school if you need to know your child's bus stop information, request a stop, etc. Thank you!

Consejo de transporte: asegúrese de discutir con su hijo cómo llegarán a casa todos los días, especialmente durante la primera semana, ya que puede ser abrumador para ellos no saberlo. Todavía nos comunicaremos con cada clase para confirmar que cada niño sepa cómo regresarán a casa la primera semana de clases, pero es extremadamente útil si se comunica con el Sr. Lee o la Sra. Kimmerly antes del primer día de clases si necesita. para conocer la información de la parada de autobús de su hijo, solicitar una parada, etc. ¡Gracias!

PowerSchool by HomeBase 

English Tutorial

Tutorial de Español

You do not need a seperate account for each WCPSS student. Each of your children can be added to the same PowerSchool app.

Our Data Manage, Michelle Ethridge will provide every 6th grade family with an account should they not have one that was set up by the elementary school. Contact Mrs. Ethridge if you need assistance at 

No necesita una cuenta separada para cada estudiante de WCPSS. Cada uno de sus hijos se puede agregar a la misma aplicación PowerSchool.

Nuestra administradora de datos, Michelle Ethridge, proporcionará a cada familia de sexto grado una cuenta en caso de que no tengan una creada por la escuela primaria. Póngase en contacto con la Sra. Ethridge si necesita ayuda en 

Methods of Communication

Assistant Principal: Stephanie Kimmerly         

Counselor: AJ Byrd 

Click Here to Email Teachers

School-wide: Talking Points Texting App (see below for more information)

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