English IV

British Literature & Creative Writing

Welcome to second semester 2021 English. We are currently remote. All assignments, announcements, and important documents will be given through Google Classroom. Make sure you join; you can use the link below. Also, be checking your student account e-mail for updates. Please contact me with any concerns.

Google Classroom codes:

1st English IV Honors: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjE3MjYzNDk5?cjc=ulx2kf5

3rd Creative Writing/Honors: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjE3MjYzNTg2?cjc=k7i6tni

4th English IV Honors: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk3MjE3MjYzNzkw?cjc=27e2dbd

Advisory: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTQ3NzU0OTA0MjA0?cjc=fhsfmxp

The best way to contact me is by email at gthomas@wcpss.net.

About Me

I've been teaching English for thirteen years and love it. Year to year, and sometimes day to day, I look for new ideas to experiment with in our classroom. Some work and some don't, but we all become better readers and writers in the end. I am married to the beautiful and talented Jessica and we have two boys: Vincent age eleven, and Sammy age seven. Outside of teaching I am a master chess player, guitarist, and a rock and roll historian.


Need to make up an assignment, take a quiz/test, or get a little extra help? Come visit me during tutorials. Don't forget to bring your questions.

Tutorials are held every Monday during A lunch and Thursday during B lunch in room 3610.

Grading Percentages

Classwork 15%

Quizzes 35%

Projects 50%