Poster Maker

Posters will only be printed on Fridays. Submit files to be printed by Thursday.

Submit files to be printed on the poster maker to Jazmin Parker (

Please name the file that you email using this syntax:

Your Name_Poster Name_Number of copies needed

For example, BeboPretzil_MiniTrek_5

Files should be:

  • In PDF format
  • 8.5” x 11” or larger
  • Images must be high resolution (<1000 pixels per square inch)

Poster content should:

  • Enhance instruction
  • Be reusable
  • Not be something that can easily be displayed digitally or created on chart paper (We are an Eco School, so if content can be projected to the monitor or pushed out to the student devices, it should be)

When creating the source document for a poster, please do not use bold font styles.