APEX middle

Career Development Services


Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) program aims to prepare students for employment opportunities, advanced education and productive lives. CTE promotes best practices that enhance teachers' efforts to improve student achievement and encourage responsible career choices.  CTE courses are offered in WCPSS middle schools based on students' future career interests.

Middle school students are offered exploratory courses in business and information technologies, life skills, technology systems and career decisions. Each middle school has a Career Development Coordinator to support the school-to-career connection.

During the first month of school, all students will be asked to take a career assessment and report their results in a Google form. From this information, students will be selected for various career development activities that occur on and off campus throughout the school year. 

Support Our School

We would love for you to share information about your profession. You can help support our students to become productive employees and citizens.

School Partners

Complete the form using the link above if you want to share your expertise, information about your job, career, or entrepreneurship venture.