West Cape May's

Remote Egg Drop!


“Package” one raw egg that can be dropped and survive!

  1. Place one raw egg in a baggie.

  2. Package the egg-in-a-bag so it won't break when it hits the ground.

  3. Have fun and decorate your egg!

  4. Take pictures or video of your egg drop and send to Ms Baldacchini or load them into your child's STEM Google Classroom!

Just because we’re not in school, doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun and stay safe.

This year, it's a Virtual Egg Drop!

The Egg Drop is a fun event where students package raw eggs in creative ways and then drop them to see if they will still be whole when they land.

This year you get to drop, throw, or launch your egg yourself from the safety of your yard, porch, or deck. Please stay on the ground when you do this!

Please be safe and have a parent or guardian with you when you drop your egg. This is a fun, optional activity for home. If you decide to package and drop an egg, we'd love to see videos and photos!

In addition, all students will have a chance to problem solve an egg drop design during their live video STEM time. Ms. Baldacchini will package those eggs and then videotape dropping them on April 9th for you!


If you package an egg at home, you can drop it any day between now and Wednesday, April 8th.

Don't forget to take pictures or video of your egg drop.

Send them to Ms. Baldacchini, cbaldacchini@wcm.capemayschools.com or load them into your child's STEM Google Classroom!