Viewing Student Timetable

Home > Students > Viewing Student Timetable

To view your student timetable:

1. Log In to Edumate.

2. Click Diary on the left sidebar.

3. On the screen that comes up that is labelled Diary, click on View School Calendar.

4. On the screen that comes up that is labelled School Calendar, click on Print and then 10 Day Cycle (Student).

5. On the new window that pops up, click on PDF as seen in the screenshot. A PDF file of your timetable will begin downloading.

If you are using Google Chrome you should see a box appear at the bottom of the Google Chrome window.

If you do not see any sort of pop-up indicated you have downloaded a file, check the Downloads folder on your device. It is likely the file will be there.

Once you have found the file, open it.

You now have your two week cycle timetable.