Wicomico County Public Schools 

Virtual Learning Program

Wicomico County Public Schools acknowledge students can be meaningfully engaged with instructional rigor outside the walls of our traditional  brick and mortar schools.  Virtual learning has proven beneficial to motivated students when parents help their scholars maintain a daily learning schedule AND reduce distractions at home. 

For Grades 6-10 ONLY

FOUR Characteristics of Successful Virtual Learning Students


Virtual learning students are often self-motivated or respond well to external motivation, are committed to their learning, and possess a drive to succeed.


The benefit of having a flexible instructional schedule yields time when students must work independently to complete their studies.  Independent instructional assignments can be reading intensive as students review directions and complete assigned tasks. 


Successful virtual learning students attend synchronous classes on time, manage independent work time to complete tasks and balance schoolwork responsibilities with personal life. 


 Virtual learning students are comfortable using technology to learn.  They can utilize basic technology skills such as saving or uploading files and independently problem solve if technology presents an obstacle.

What are parents saying about the Wicomico County Public Schools Blended Virtual Learning Program?  

“This program has been the best thing to happen to my daughter.  Before the BVP was available, she was doing an online homeschool program on her own, with really no teachers help. This program has helped her thrive.”  

“My son is thriving in the BVP environment.  He is a child who learns in different ways than the traditional school setting allows.  He works at his pace which helps his severe anxiety.  I have watched my son blossom from an unmotivated, distant boy into a confident, highly intelligent whole person."

 “My child seems to focus more without being distracted by his peers in school.  He is learning to prioritize his time to complete assignments and be punctual for classes.”  

“This program has been a game changer.  It’s hard, but we had been doing an online program on her own.  Now, having teachers, her grades are much improved.”