WBPS Nurse's page
Wharton Borough Public School Nurse's Office
Telephone 973 361-2506 - x 229
Direct Fax: 973-442-2797
email - kandrews@wbps.org
Exciting Announcement!! We have updated our registration process for interscholastic sports. Please click here for details
Exciting news! Our district is participating in Kinsa’s FLUency™ school health program. We have a limited number of free smart thermometers, so please reach out to the nurse at kandrews@wbps.org to request one for your family!
(as of 10/7/2022)
Exclusion Info:
Students exhibiting signs or symptoms should be tested for Covid-19. A home test is acceptable (see below for testing info and attestation form)
Students positive for Covid-19 should be reported to the school nurse ASAP
The nurse will help determine the return to school date and procedure. Typically, students may return on day 6 following symptom onset / positive test and will be urged to wear a well-fitting mask for the following week while in school.
Please be familiar with the signs and symptoms that are associated with COVID-19:
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Other illnesses in general:
Communicable illnesses such as, but not limited to conjunctivitis, Strep throat, rashes of unknown origin or accompanied by fever should all be excluded to home until under treatment(drops, antibiotics, etc) x 24 hrs. Medical documentation is required.
Student should be symptom free from general illness symptoms (ex. fever, vomiting, diarrhea) for 24 hours without the use of medications (Tylenol, Motrin, Pepto Bismol).
A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn't want your child sitting next to a classmate with the same symptoms as your child is exhibiting, please keep them home.
All students registering for school must submit a complete immunization record prior to entry. In addition, a physical must also be submitted in a timely fashion. The student may be subject to exclusion if the requirements are not met.
Scoliosis Screenings
Are performed in the springtime for grades 5 and 7. Students are not required to undress for the screening process. Students are visually inspected for symmetry and curvature; a scoliometer is used to assess spine for degree of rotation. A light t-shirt is suitable for performing the screening. Any abnormal results shall be notified to parents. Abnormal screenings may be further addressed by the student's regular physician, often during a routine physical appointment. If you wish to exempt your child from scoliosis screening, please email the school nurse kandrews@wbps.org before the end of March.
Lost Glasses?
Missing glasses get turned into the nurse's office. Please have your child check in the health office or feel free to contact the nurse in the case of a missing pair of glasses. Glasses left in the nurses office after one school year will be donated to charity.