Full Remote Learning
Based on updated guidance from the New Jersey Department of Education and their school reopening guidance:
All students are eligible for full time remote learning.
Eligibility cannot be conditioned on a family/guardian demonstrating a risk of illness or other selective criteria. This includes students with disabilities who attend in-district schools or receiving schools (county special services school districts, educational services commissions, jointure commissions, Katzenbach School for the Deaf, regional schools, college operated programs, and approved private schools for students with disabilities).
All requests to start the year with remote learning received after the deadline of 3 pm on August 17, 2020, will be considered after the start of the school year.
Procedures for Requesting Remote Learning
In order to be considered for full time remote learning, all parents must submit a form making this request. Parents/Guardians may submit requests for full-time remote learning at any time through the school year.
This form will be used to change your student's learning model from hybrid instruction (which will cease) to full-time remote learning or from full-time remote learning (which will cease) to hybrid instruction, depending on which option is chosen.
All requests to start the year with remote learning received after the deadline of 3pm on August 17, 2020 will be considered after the start of the school year.
Once this form is submitted to each building principal, the district will have up to two weeks to respond.
In the event that a student is returning to school after a period of virtual instruction, the District will retain rights to schedule students as needed and in consideration of class sizes and other needs.
Each school principal will serve as the primary contact for any questions about virtual learning.
Note: A separate form MUST be completed for each student.
Please click on the corresponding button below for your child's school to submit a form.
Preakness Early Childhood Center - Request for Change of Instructional Model
Elementary Schools - Request for Change of Instructional Model
Middle Schools - Request for Change of Instructional Model
We are no longer honoring middle school level changes from virtual to hybrid.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your building administrator.
High Schools - Request for Change of Instructional Model
We are no longer honoring high school level changes from virtual to hybrid.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your building administrator.