herb garden

Woodlands Garden project is also thinking to locate the herb garden where it is easily accessible for regular picking. A simple rectangular bed will be used for mixed herb planting accessed by a wheel chair friendly path so there are no restrictions to who can enjoy the space. Children will be able to use tools that are easy and safe to use to remove perennial weeds before planting. Also we will incorporate grit and some organic matter if we find some part of the soil heavy. We will also be planting herbs in containers to create the right conditions for the plant.

As herbs are generally easy to maintain, children will be in charge of this job with adult supervision. Children will be trained about maintaining, pruning and cutting at the right time of the year to encourage healthy growth.

With a great number of families already growing their own herbs, the new Woodlands Garden Project range is expected to appeal to those who always wanted to try but didn’t have the confidence. We will be supporting our community and families that would like to be part of this project not only with hands-on experience in the garden but also creating their own herb growing at home.