We are using this website to post homework assignments for English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science all in one place. We hope that having everything in one place will better help you to keep track of work due, as well as testing/assessment dates.

Click on the "Homework" link, on the top navigation, to view homework assignments by month.

We each have our own classroom websites where you will find information, links, and other resources that may be helpful for that specific area of study. See Teacher Websites link above. Below are teacher emails.

English - Mrs. Nearbin: gnearbin@watertowncsd.org

Math - Mrs. Dickinson: cdickinson@watertowncsd.org

Science - Mr. Greene: dgreene2@watertowncsd.org

Social Studies - Mr. Todd: ktodd@watertowncsd.org

Click the Appropriate button below to find helpful links!