WHS 1:1 Chromebooks
Important Chromebook Forms
Paper copies of the forms below are available in the WMS office.
WPS Student Chromebook Contract- All students must have this signed and returned to school office or take a picture and return by email to susan.bisson@watertown.k12.ma.us before using their Chromebook.
WPS Grades 6-12 Acceptable Use Policy: Please sign and turn in by the start of school. (This is included in the handbook)
Chromebook Contract Translations
Student Privacy & Ed Tech AppS
Please see our Digital Learning page for more information.
Chromebook Insurance
**IMPORTANT For students entering 9th, and 10th grade, please choose the HP Chromebook Insurance option. For students entering 11th and 12 grade, please choose the Dell Chromebook option.
Link to purchase Worth Ave Insurance This link is only open until October 1, 2019. In order to get insurance, you must purchase it before the link expires. Thank you.
Digital Learning with 1:1 Chromebooks
We are eager to collaborate, co-teach, model, and support your 1:1 classrooms in implementing tech integrated lessons. You are welcome to submit multiple requests each day via. Please fill out this form and we will get in touch very soon.
Other Important Documents
WPS Grades 6-12 Acceptable Use Policy: Please sign and turn in by the start of school.
Student Privacy
Please see our Digital Learning page for more information.