Research Guide

Research Prompts:

Research Learning Targets:


These are research databases that you have access to as a WMS student. They are trustworthy and up-to-date! Use these to find more information on your historical site or more modern landmark.

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recommended WEBSITES

These are websites that are credible and up-to-date.

The History Channel's website has good information on ancient ruins. Once you have chose an ancient ruin, search for it this website.

The Ancient History Encyclopedia has good information on ancient ruins. Once you have chose an ancient ruin, search for it this website.

Lonely Planet is a guidebook company that has good information on both ancient ruins, and also modern landmarks. 

Foder's is a guidebook company that has good information on both ancient ruins, and also modern landmarks. 

Peru Travel is Peru's official travel and tourism website. It has good information on Inca ruins and also more modern landmarks in Peru. Use this website if you are researching the Incas.

VisitMexico is Mexico's official travel and tourism website. It has good information on Maya ruins and also more modern landmarks in Peru. Use this website if you are researching the Mayas.

do you want more helP with research?

Email Ms. Cole at