1. Always remember that Waterford Union High School is using a privately owned, public facility. Rivermoor Golf Club is a gracious host for our program.

2. Participants must be polite and courteous at all times.

3. No one is to loiter in the Pro Shop and/or in the Club House.

4. Always check with the Pro Shop before going out to play.

5. Typical course rules to follow include, not taking divots out of any greens, carts should not be pushed onto any green, repair all ball marks and replace divots, bags should not be set down on any greens. Chipping off of practice greens or taking full swings with putters is strictly forbidden.

6. Participants should look respectable for any event – including practice (i.e. shorts or pants and a collared shirt. No T-Shirts)

7. Golf shoes or athletic shoes must be worn whenever on the course. No metal spikes.

8. Always be on time for all practices and matches. If you are not going to be on time text Head Coach, including reason. Tardiness will affect playing position.

9. Always turn in score cards after practice rounds or rounds played on your own. 10. Swearing is not allowed during practice or during competition.


Our goal is not to turn participants into professionals, but to give them the tools for success that will make the game of golf more enjoyable. Our purpose is for individuals to acquire an appreciation for the game of golf and have fun while doing it. Through the course of the season, we attempt to improve team members fundamental skills and abilities as a golfer. Through competition, individuals will also learn to compete in a physical and mental fashion as well as learning proper etiquette. Golf is a lifetime sports which offers and represents many inherently positive values which are listed below.

1. Honesty – the quality or state of being truthful; not deceptive

Golf is unique from other sports in that players regularly call penalties on themselves.

2. Integrity – strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct. Personal honesty and independence. Golf is a game of honesty, etiquette and composure. You are responsible for your actions and personal conduct on the golf course.

3. Sportsmanship – observing the rules of play and winning or losing with grace.

You must know and abide by the rules of golf and be able to conduct yourself in a respectful manner.

4. Respect – to feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.

In golf, it is important to show respect for yourself, your partners, your opponents and the golf course as well as for the honor and traditions of the game.

5. Confidence – reliance or trust. A feeling of self-assurance.

Confidence plays a key role in the level of play that you achieve. You must have confidence in your abilities every time you play.

6. Responsibility – accounting for one’s action; dependable.

In golf, you are responsible for yourself and your actions on the golf course. It is up to you to keep score, repair divots, rake bunkers, repair ball marks on the green and keep up with the pace of play.

7. Perseverance – to persist in an idea, purpose or task despite obstacles.

To succeed in golf, you must learn to persevere through bad breaks and your own mistakes.

8. Courtesy – considerate behavior toward others. A polite remark or gestures. A round of golf should begin and end with a handshake between fellow competitors. Show courtesy toward others by remaining still and quiet while they prepare and execute a shot.

9. Judgment – the ability to make a decision or form an opinion. A decision reached after consideration. Using good judgment is critical in golf. It comes into play when deciding on strategy, club selection, when to play safe and when to take a chance, the type of shot you consider executing, as well as understanding and abiding by etiquette.



1. Always remember that Waterford Union High School is using a privately owned, public facility. Rivermoor Golf Club is a gracious host for our program.

2. Participants must be polite and courteous at all times. Swearing is not allowed during practice or during competition. Club throwing is not allowed.

3. Typical course rules to follow include:

Push carts should not be pushed onto any green

repair all ball marks and replace divots

bags should not be set down on any greens

No chipping from practice greens

No taking full swings with putters


1. No one is to loiter in the Pro Shop and/or in the Club House.

2. Always check with the Pro Shop before going out to play.

3. Always be on time for all practices and matches. If you are not going to be on time text Head Coach, including reason. Tardiness will affect playing position.

4. Attendance; if you are not in school for the full day without an excused absence, you will not be able to practice or compete.

5. Always turn in score cards after practice rounds or rounds played on your own. BE PREPARED:

6. Golf shoes or athletic shoes must be worn whenever on the course. No metal spikes.

7. Participants should look respectable for any event – including practice (i.e. tailored shorts or pants and a collared shirt. No T-Shirts or sweatpants)