Civil War

What are some of the significant differences between the North and the South in 1860~before the Civil War?

Using the different maps included on this website~ what do you believe were some of the differences between the North and the South in the 1860s. Record your findings on a Venn Diagram. Use this Google Draw template or create your own Venn diagram to illustrate the differences and the similarities.

  • Railroads
  • Slavery
  • Free Blacks
  • Immigration
  • Agriculture
  • Cotton Production
  • Industry

Once you have completed your Venn Diagram, work with a partner and discuss and compile your Venn Diagram data.

Questions to think about:

  • What was happening in the South that caused tension with the North?
  • What was happening in the North that caused tension with the South?
  • What kinds of product markets were found in the South? What kinds of product markets were found in the North?
  • How did slavery in the South affect these markets?
  • What types of maps would help us understand issues leading to the Civil War?