JAGS GO TO COLLEGE 1,2,4 or More...


April 15-19, 2024

College Week Morning Announcements 


College graduates earn, on average, about $20,000 more a year than people who don't go to school after high school. That means going to college could earn you almost one million more dollars in your life than if you don't go!


There are 31 four-year colleges in Utah and a total of 78 colleges and Universities. Utah has 17 public and 61 private higher education institutions. 


In college, you pick a major. Think of it as your favorite subject. In college you get to pick your own classes. For example, if you want to learn more about animals, you will take classes on animals . If you want to learn more about computers, you will take classes about computers.


Even though you are in intermediate school, there are a lot of things you can be doing RIGHT NOW that will help you be ready for college. Doing your schoolwork everyday, learning about what jobs you're interested in, studying for tests, and talking to your parents or guardians about college are all ways to get prepared. 


Colleges come in all shapes and sizes. Some are as small as 50 people and some have 50,000 people! Size of a school is just one thing to think about when deciding what college you'd like to attend. Other things to think about are: location, cost, and what classes they offer. 

Door Decoration 

Homerooms, on Friday April 12 decorate your teachers door with the college(s) your teacher attended. Have it ready for College-Career Week  April 15-19


Monday: Neon Day (Your future's so bright)

Tuesday: Hat Day (Hats off to graduation)

Wednesday: Career Day (Dress up as favorite career)

Thursday: College and Career begins here (Any College shirt colors)

Friday:  Pajama Day (I have a BIG dream) 

    Who wants to play, ASK ME BINGO?

Teachers please wear your, "Ask Me" button found in your teacher box. Please handout the BINGO cards during Homeroom

 Throughout the week discuss the following words and phrases associated with College and Career Readiness on students' BINGO card. Please initial the word you had a discussion about, which will allow students to turn their card into the front office once its all filled out for a small treat! 

WORDS: Internship, Transfer, G.P.A, Resume, Scholarship, ACT, University, Campus Visit, Community College, Technical College, Dorm, College Fair, Course Load, Minor, Rigor, Community Service

6th Grade World Of Work

April 18 Counselors will present 6th grade "World of Work" lessons in the Little Theater!

7th Grade Youscience

All students are "Results Ready"! 

Career Information Booths

From Youscience results we have invited career presenters based off of student Interest and Aptitudes! 

April 16th: Intermountain Health (Exercise Physiologist, Sport Performance) 

April 16th: Associated General Contractors 

College Information Booths 

On Wednesday, April 17 during 6th and 7th grade lunch come check out our College information booths!

Dixie Tech


Hurricane Valley Fire (Fire Academy) (Waiting to hear)

Utah Tech

U of U (Waiting to hear)

The Way Barber Academy (waiting to hear)

Outside Lunchtime Activities 

Monday: Shoot for your future (basketball outside) 

Tuesday: Chase your DREAMS! (tag on the lawn)

Wednesday: College Information Booths (inside)

Thursday: Aim for your GOALS! (shoot soccer balls into the goals on the lawn)

Friday: Pace yourself (races on the lawn)