WASHBURN ATHLETICS has now partnered with Sanford Sports Performance to provide the finest, professionally implemented training program to optimize athletic performance, reduce risk of injury and increase team success. The 2023 summer Washburn Strength program is now available for registrations! Dates and times are now posted.

6:30-7:30 Mainly Boys going into grades 9-12

7:30-8:30 Mainly Girls going into grades 9-12

8:30-9:30 Boys & Girls going into grades 7-8

WASHBURN PUBLIC SCHOOL has now partnered with Sanford Sports Performance to provide the finest, professionally implemented training program to optimize athletic performance, reduce risk of injury and increase team success.

The 2023 summer Washburn Strength program is now available for registrations.

Washburn will have a Sanford Trainer on Monday & Wednesday each week.  The Weight room will also be available on Tuesday & Thursdays (starting the second week, June 13th) at those times for lifting with Sanford App. 

Sanford Power will be $100 for each participant. The Washburn American Legion donation will offset the rest of the cost for each participant and the individual app.

Start: Monday June 5th

End:  Wednesday August 2nd

*** Week of July 3rd – July 7th NO TRAINING ***

Our Summer Athletic Performance program is built on four primary goals. These are the 4 Pillars of WASHBURN STRENGTH:

PILLAR #1: LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development)
Training needs to be viewed as an extension of sport practice. We know the time and dedication it takes to a sport in order to find success. The approach to increasing Athletic Performance attributes (Strength, Speed, Agility, Mobility, Power, ETC) needs to be viewed as the same. Through consistent training we will see marginal increases in these categories; over the course of years you will look back and see a mountain that you have climbed. The steps along this climb need to happen early and often.

The reason we train is to improve on the field, court, etc. If the quality of movement is not present in the exercise prescription, there will be no transfer of that training to the sport. We may still get tired and sore however we will be the same performer within that sport. The Washburn Athletic Performance department will demand prime movers in the following patterns but not limited to: Squat, Lunge, Hinge, Push (vertical & horizontal), pull (vertical & horizontal), rotate and gait. There will be a level of competency required before loading these movements can be deemed necessary.

There will be standards in place in order to uphold the goals in which we all want to achieve within our respective sports – get better and compete for championships. In order to be put in that position we need to have championship habits. The standards that will lead to this have to be upheld from coaches to athletes but furthermore and the biggest challenge of all – ATHLETE TO ATHLETE. Effort & Attitude are two standards that dictate how we will train and what we will get from our training – both traits are self-controlled but can be encouraged from peers.

Discipline can be interpreted a number of ways. For WASHBURN STRENGTH the definition of discipline is not running 300’s till you puke. Instead it’s doing something routinely that you don’t necessarily want to do but find something inside of you to do it anyway. Coaches will coach in order to perfect the task – not just to accomplish the task. Athletes are asked to be coachable and understand what is asked of them. Athletes’ confidence comes through preparation and knowing they have put themselves through rigors over and over more times than their opponents.

The WASHBURN STRENGTH program is designed to minimize (not eliminate – no training protocol can prevent) risk of injury by adequately preparing all athletes for the demands of competition. It is well established that effective training programs improve joint stability and joint range of motion, increase muscular strength and power, enhance movement mechanics and increase energy system function. The end result is a heightened ability to manage the physical stress of competition.

WASHBURN STRENGTH partners with Sanford POWER to help provide the highest quality strength and conditioning program possible.