Resilience Community Events
What are Resilience Community Events?
Resilience Community Events, formerly known as Parent University, is the result of a district commitment to the power of collaboration. The issues students face today look far different than the ones faced only a few years ago. These challenges have a profound impact on our youth and in turn, how students navigate education, social interaction, and personal well-being. A commitment to the whole child requires collaboration with the whole community. Our annual Resilience Community Events are the manifestation of that vision. In the fall of 2016, a plan for a yearly program that brings parents, schools, and community resources together with the sole purpose of navigating the "tough" issues students face was born. With commitment from key members of our administration, our community, support agencies, and students, we held our first event in 2017. This event addressed Adverse Childhood Experiences and the impact they have on physiological social and mental development. Having the privilege to interact with students on a daily basis offers a keen view of the issues that impact youth today. It is with this in mind that our team continues the mission to connect our district with the community at large. It is our hope that this site serves to preserve some of the rich content offered by our dedicated service providers, community members, administration, staff, and students. If you find that you have been led here as a result of a personal crisis or are looking for immediate assistance or support, please contact Crisis Intervention at (717) 394-2631.
Meet the 2024 Planning Team!
Warwick School District faculty have served as planning committee members since 2016. Our current committee includes:
Dr. Steve Szobocsan, Acting Superintendent
Dr. Melanie Calender, Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Kristy Szobocsan, Warwick High School Principal
Mr. Eddy Cordero, Kissel Hill Elementary Principal
Mrs. Adrienne Howe, Warwick High School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Josh Barnas, Warwick High School Assistant Principal
Dr. Michelle Harris, Warwick Middle School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Carolyn Besjak, Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator
Dr. Steve Szobocsan, Acting Superintendent
In partnership with our families and community, Warwick School District is committed to providing the best educational experiences possible for our students. This critical work involves a rigorous academic program, experience with the 4 C's of 21st Century Learning: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity, and work on social, emotional and academic development. Our mission is to enable every student to reach his or her highest level of potential in order to become successful in today's world. Through our Resilience Community Events, we want to increase our home-school connection so that our partnership in achieving this goal remains strong.
Dr. Melanie Calender, Asst. Superintendent
Warwick School District has a strong legacy of offering dynamic programs for all students. Over the years, our focus on educating the community about relevant educational topics has grown to include the Resilience Series. This forum provides a proactive and collaborative approach to inform our community of how the school district is growing in our service to students.
We believe that a strong ongoing partnership with parents and community members will have the greatest benefit to our students.